Thursday, 2 December 2010

Where Is Gibraltar Now?

At the end of March 2006 the UK and Gibraltar Governments announced that agreement had been reached on a new Constitution for Gibraltar providing for a modern relationship between Gibraltar and the UK. This new constitution enshrined enduring British sovereignty, whilst we in Gibraltar so wished that to continue. The text also confirmed, for the first time, Gibraltar's right to self determination. This recognition was tempered by the reservation, on the part of the UK, that independence was not possible without Spain's consent. Weakly Gibraltar expressed its disagreement to this constraint, in my view, a disagreement that is unenforceable in practice. Importantly, it was confirmed (in the preamble) that this new constitution provides for that degree of self government which is compatible with British sovereignty and the fact that the UK is responsible for external affairs. What does this mean?

If Gibraltar wishes, as it does at present, to remain under British sovereignty with the UK responsible for its external affairs, then there is no scope for increased self government. The door to any further negotiation with the UK to expand the powers of Gibraltar's Parliament and its Government has been firmly closed by the UK. This has been endorsed by the Gibraltar Government's acceptance of the new constitution and, more significantly, by the referendum in 2006 that adopted that constitution.

We can argue for ever that the new constitution delegates all the necessary powers already. I am not an adherent to this opinion, not least because in the Chagos Island's case the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council held that the words "... for the peace, order and good government..." are words that limit and restrict the power of a legislature in a British Overseas Territory, which is what Gibraltar continues to be. Additionally, more blatantly, because the UK has power, under the constitution, to impose direct rule . If anyone doubts that Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory (not nation), that fact is declared and confirmed in the Despatch to the new constitution.

When one conjoins that the UK has closed the door to increased self government with the UK's view that independence is not an option without the consent of Spain, there is little room to achieve a changed status, which is what the Chief Minister said he aspired to, without Spain's consent. This is an especially valid argument for those, like the GSD, who preach the belief that the new constitution and its acceptance in the 2006 Referendum was an exercise in self determination, because it most certainly cannot be that unless and if it devolves the maximum unconstrained power to Gibraltar.

Thankfully all this actually leaves Gibraltar in a place where I believe most want it to be. We are able to legislate and govern ourselves without interference, so long as our Parliament and government do not transgress the requirement that it be ".... for the order, peace and good government of Gibraltar ..." If there is any attempt to transgress these limitations we have the safeguard that the UK as power to interfere or more appropriately the courts can be requested to consider the circumstances. Additionally the UK is responsible and obligated to look after our external affairs and security with the safeguard that there will be no change in British sovereignty without our consent.

Why oh why, then, do some of our politicians harp on and on about further changes to our status? "Leave well alone" is my mantra. If in the future there is a change in our collective opinion we can re-look at our various international relations.

What about Spain? Well it is Spain that claims sovereignty, so it is a Spanish problem. It is not "the Gibraltar problem". Gibraltar is happy in the main. Spain can read the new constitution just as well as anyone else. It knows what it should do. Convince future generations of Gibraltarians to change their minds, if they can and if Gibraltarians ever will change their minds. One thing is certain Spanish harassment, like incursions in the bay, put any potential for advance of their case back by years; many in Gibraltar will say excellent, keep it up Spain!

What those self-same politicians should be concentrating on is doing their jobs, which is to govern Gibraltar. It is not to strut the international stage to boost their egos and pretend that they are important international statesmen. They should also concentrate on improving those parts of our institutions that remain untouched by the new constitution, briefly, to deliver more accountable democratic and transparent government ... and, oh yes another thing, to improve the lot of the Gibraltarians, especially the less privileged amongst us.

I know who will get my vote. The party who not only promises to do this but which provides guarantees that it will actually do what it promises. What if none of them make me that offer? Well I will exercise my right to vote by casting a ballot paper without a single cross on it.


  1. What gurantees? A no no solution!

  2. The guarantee is the ability to convince ... easier for some than others.

  3. Spot on.

    The CM's utterances on Andorra have been picked on and mashed up for serving as good fodder for the Spanish public. It has helped to raise expectations within the Spanish state machinery. Domestically it has merely promoted division.

    The CM does defend us adequately like any good orator would - and duly armed with our mandate - when faced with the usual anti-Gibraltar vitriol. Peter Caruana must however resist any speculative commentary within a foreign audience on a possible future status and instead limit himself to state and defend what his electorate has already decided upon.

    Electoral reform is also a must. It will encourage collective governance, break our rigid two party system, dampen egos, and dilute division. Too much time in power does wonders to the mind, so fixed terms in office would go some way to solving that problem.

  4. am not keen on fixed terms in the US presidential sense as it institutionalises executive government by one individual, rather that concensus cabinet government.

  5. Fixed terms also give rise to "lame duck" presidents who drift through their final years in office without any political clout.

  6. Where is Gibraltar now?

    Quite frankly I think we are lost. As a people we have become either complacent, submissive, self absorbed and disinterested, or too obsessed in the cult of two parties to have any real focus on any issue.

    It seems people are more interested in defending policies, statements etc because they feel they cannot reject or disapprove of anything generated by the party they support. As a people we seem more interested in defending personalities and parties than analysing issues and policies as independent observers with a genuine concern for the community we live in. It's far more important to defend caruana or Bossano and take eveything they preach as Gospel without questioning or opposing than to really scrutinise isues in the interests of the community at large. People are far more interested in defending say, the Government's policy with regard to juveniles in Social Care than commenting on the fact that a juvenile spent several nights in prison due to an inadquate and inefficient Social Services Agency in respect of that particular issue.

    And those who don't fall in the above catgory, are just passive and go with the flow. As long as it doesn't affect us directly, we just go on about our daily lives, which is fair enough, but then expect the whole community to stand up and fight for the issue when it affects us personally.

    And unfortunately there are very very very few people who stand up and fight and argue and comment, and go out and do something about it. But then they get labelled as trouble makers, stirrers and similar and whoever is in power tries their utmost to dampen, quash or quiet them.

    Proof of the pudding is that some noise has been created with reagrd to the whole "Andorra episode"...but has anything been done?? Caruana is yet to answer to the electorate. The Oposition has made noise but has done little to try and challenge the CM. And the public at large...well we comment and discuss in our little coffee shop reunions..but little else! gone are the days when people would be alarmed at the slightest and take to the streets to make their feelings known. At the mo, allw e have is people criticising the CM or defending him. Had to laugh at last night's Talk About town when panelists tried to defent and do the explaining on behalf of the CM...these are poeple who are llani stereotypes and criticise anything Spain, but due to their GSD affiliations or Business Ineterests have instead chosen to sweep it under the carpet and try and explain without any success that the CM had his (unknown( reasons for saying what he did. Would love to be able to see into an alternate reality and see what they would have said if the opposingparty leader had said something similar to the CM!

    Where is Gibraltar now? Unfortunately, VERY LOST with LITTLE desire to put any energy into finding our way. Let us lead them and we will follow like sheep.

  7. Spartacus Harking back to the palomo riots, a truly shameful episode in Gibraltar's history, I think many would be glad that "gone are the days when people would be alarmed at the slightest and take to the streets to make their feelings known".

  8. Is Spartacus serious? What does this guy want riots or something? Talking about policy which is in fact the driver of a political party, does the GSLP have any? Y Caruana que, ya vendio Gibraltar? You want problems and somthing to fight for Spart, llegate a china o Venezuela or if u really want to help create your own political party and help make accountable opposition. But give us a break with this idealistic and utopian bollocks. Your nit one of those hard done by characters driving a Range Rover are you?

  9. Beyond the statement standing by what he said and reiterating that no concession of sovereignty to Spain is acceptable, how else is the CM to answer to the electorate? Some may disagree with his ambition to seek a 'solution' to 'the Gibraltar problem,' which is, of course, the individual's prerogative. How else, other than at the time of the next election, would Spartacus seek to make the CM accountable for expressing an opinion not everyone agrees with? Censure? Burning at the stake?

    What is certainly a concern, for me anyway, is the inability of some politicians and political commentators to cover a subject where there is obvious disagreement, whether along party lines or otherwise, without resorting to an almost fanatical assessment of the virtues of his or her own position, readily crying foul and calling for redress falling just short of political execution.

    In the interests of a full disclosure of interests, I am a GSD supporter for a variety of reasons and, horror of horrors, want absolutely 100% nothing to do with the Spanish in terms of sovereignty. The Instituto Cervantes is about as far as id like us to go and, even so, I've been hoping against hope that their imploding economy would render the project a non-starter. I continue to live in hope. I am not a GSLP supporter for various other reasons, one of which (this one's a top five contender) is that they lacked a political spine at the time of the constitution, a time when the very least the electorate was entitled to, was clarity borne out of the considered and promoted positions of each of our parties.

    I look forward to the inevitable hysterics which will follow in any replies to this post

  10. Selwyn

    Can you explain how two seemingly opposite points of view can be consistently explained.

    On the one hand the Andorran model is proposed which involves some concession on ultimate sovereignty. On the other hand we are told that no concession on sovereignty will be made to Spain. Why would this be put forward as a proposal for resolution of Spain's claim to sovereignty, if the Andorran model does not concede some element of sovereignty to Spain? It makes no sense otherwise.

    There is no "Gibraltar problem" to resolve. Spain has a problem that it has to live with or find its own way of resolving. Read my piece it deals with this point.

  11. LW - I thought you should know that Fabian Picardo is Reading a free issue of The New People that deals with the statements by Mr Caruana on Andorra status and which is available at the following link: http//
    este tio si que vale compa....yo se que you follow him.

  12. BUENA SELWYN!!!!! It is about time someone spoke sense on Llanito World. SHAME ON ALL THOSE HYSTERICS WHO HAVE BEEN WRITING IN!!!!

  13. Anonymous at 20:56

    Why don't you speak sense rather than hysterically egging someone else on and denigrating everyone else? Grow up please.

  14. Ghost says:

    Robert, I am unsure what to make of your latest piece. It's friday and I'm not quite on the hard stuff yet (just the light weight Coronita), but you are essentially saying that you like the constitution of 2006; so either someone is playing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds here (you will recall your time in the 70's I'm sure) or you have just gone from an anti constitution stance and are now taking Bossano's line as per his GSLP line on News Plus+ in which the view is that the 2006 Constitution is good for us now and covers all the bases; to the point that you aspire to nothing further because you both now believe that our relationship with the U.K subject to the constitutions does not allow us to seek further aspirations because Spain essentially says so and therefore we should batten down the hatches and quite frankly shut the f*&k up. WOW!!!

    With respect Robert, you write under the premiss that we have signed and sealed our fate and that under no circumstance can we allow the change of circumstance and democratic progress to aspire further, nor should we be confident to seek progress or consider opportunities that may well lead to a 300 year old position to change, and without weakening or undermining our wishes as a people. You talk about and I quote with your permission ""Leave well alone" is my mantra. If in the future there is a change in our collective opinion we can re-look at our various international relations." Tomorrow is the future and complacency in our world is weakness and will swallow us up. It is in fact the responsibility of our leaders and future leaders to create policy domestically and internationally (I disagree with your view that we should not have leaders with aspirations of statesmanlike qualities do represent us internationally as has been shown to be so crucial) and it is for the community to collectively support it or not.

    Even you have admitted to PRC's formidable address in Seville; it was his policy and belief that stopped the push for joint sov in 2002 and which lead to the 2006 Const which you (at the time) said NO to and now like. It was his firm stance that led to the tripartite which even the GSLP have accepted (I still have to get breakfast in Madrid to you) and it is our guarantee with Britain that now gives us the strength to take our case to Spain and hold them to account, and in time that message will filter and we may well be in a position where further change may come; and as long as we have that guarantee engrained in our constitution, why should we stay put!

    I as always will agree on future parliamentary reforms, for a stronger democracy.

    I am told by a colleague that you are keen to learn of my identity..for the right reasons I hope. I'll remain transparent for now but will get you that message now that I know how - I might even attach a rioja with it, our neighbours are good for a few things yet..:)


  15. Ghost

    Just two points.

    My opposition to the new constitution was not for what it said but for what it did not say. The "NO" campaign was a broad church and not everyone supported everyone else's reasons for opposing the 2006 Constitution.

    My arguments are not supportive of where the 2006 Constitution has taken us. It is predicated on where we are and what it says.

    You dissemble or do not wish to understand once again.

    Also, I simply do not buy that the 2006 is a step from which we can move on from. It is a shackle that as I argue, we are lumbered with.

  16. Ghost says:

    So Robert, your view as is the GSLP's and Bossano's position as per today's Viewpoint + interview is that we like our status, because it protects us from Spain and accept with it that it is a shackle that we are lumbered with.

    Christ, the GSLP with your assistance have in one knee jerk reaction (given the andorra Farse) become the party of "No Change" as opposed to "Time for a change"......genius!

    Oye quiere el Rioja o no?


  17. Ghost

    As I say in my main post it is a combination of the trap that the 2006 Constitution was, as sold to Gibraltar in the referendum, and what the people of Gibraltar want. It will take a genius to get us out of this one!

    And please don't involve me in party politics. I form my own idiosyncratic views and conclusions.

  18. As you have previously stated the division of powers is fundamental in all democracies.I am very interested to explore your assertion that: "If there is any attempt to transgress these limitations we have the safeguard that the UK or more appropriately the courts can interfere". If this analysis is true and I have no reason to doubt you then almost without most of us being aware of the fact, the Gibraltar judiciary has gone from interpreting laws made by the local legislature to determining whether those laws are valid at all.
    Are we happy that our judiciary is experienced enough to carry out this task (of what you call "interfering")?
    As I see it, our current judiciary is the product of the dismissal of the previous Chief Justice, which led to more junior judges being promoted, one temporarily only, and relatively inexperienced lawyers being made judges (no offence intended but experience or its lack is a matter of fact and given the powers bestowed on judges generally inexperience is easy to disguise in the court room). It also follows a long held political objective of Gibraltarianising all senior posts - I think that you have referred to post colonial inferiority complex elsewhere.
    I will not argue that our current judges may or may not be competent and capable but that is beside the point. What is striking is that at least some of our senior judges are not any where as experienced as per the requirements in the UK and yet are called upon to make decisions in a far wider range of cases than their UK brethren.
    I believe that given the important impact of judicial decisions not only on government policy but also on the lives and fortunes of many citizens who have to appear before the courts as claimants or defendants, the judiciary should cease to be a sacred cow when it comes to mature, open and respectful debate.
    I know for a fact that at least one senior barrister has openly expressed his concerns about the length of time that a judge can be in post in a small territory like Gibraltar. For my part, having read the Opinion of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council when Schofield CJ was dismissed I am concerned as to how difficult it is to remove a judge - this is of course a good thing to protect judges from megalomanic politicians and powerful interest groups but how can we be protected from inept judges who have learnt the easy game of playing the system (if we ever have the misfortune of having such judges)?. Is it right that in population of 30,000, decisions should be taken by local judges who could be in office for 30 years? I do not think that any discussion about the quality of democracy in Gibraltar can be complete without a thorough analysis of the judiciary which goes well beyond a recitation of the provisons of the Judicial Services Act and a repetition of the principles which apply in the UK where the judges are appointed after long professional careers in which their experience and judicial qualities have been well tested and where judges never sit in small communities where they may have spent all their lives.

  19. Anonymous at 11:01

    I have slightly reworded my piece following your comment.

    The Supreme Court has had the power to review legislation since 1969 on the basis of the human rights provisions of the Constitution. My view, which is still to be tested, is that, following the Chagos Island case, the court can also be asked to review legislation to decide whether or not it is within the requirement that it is "for the peace, order and good governance of Gibraltar". The extreme factual circumstances required for such a review will rarely arise in practice.

    The present judiciary is certainly not the product of the removal of Schofield CJ. It is the result of the completion of a proper and thorough recruitment procedure, The procedure was carried out in strict adherence to the constitution and applicable laws.

    I am no one to subjectively assess the judiciary. They simply are. They meet the required objective standards. You are simply wrong when you say that English equivalent standards are not met.

    Judges in Gibraltar are required to meet the equivalent number of years experience as qualified lawyers as an equivalent English judge. The incumbents to the post at present meet these objective requirements very amply. In addition there is the additional objective standard, which exists by reason of the appellate system that equates to that in existence in England and Wales.

    Security of tenure is a complex subject. Too short a period of tenure and the criticism will be that judicial independence is compromised. Too long a period and the type of criticism that you make is open to be made.

    The existence of security of tenure requires an incumbent to carefully examine himself regularly to satisfy himself that he is meeting the onerous standards required of him. A judge is also not immune from public criticism. He is also subject to be criticised by the appellate system. All of this leads to a reasonably effective auto-correcting system to reduce the chances of aberrations arising in the life of a judge.

  20. Legal Bagle says: The following from Wikipedia might help. "Formerly, High Court judges could only be appointed from among barristers of at least 10 years' standing. However, as of 2008, the vast majority of appointments to the High Court bench have been made from the ranks of senior barristers known as Queen's Counsel. A typical appointee has in the region of twenty to thirty years' experience as a lawyer...A few distinguished academics have also made it on to the High Court bench....". I agree with the person who wrote at 11.01 that the selection of judges from a community as small as ours is not ideal (especially when so few of our experienced lawyers see the judiciary as desirable career move). Long term appointments in the circumstances of Gibraltar also pose concerns. As you say this is a complex subject but one which nonetheless needs to be considered very carefully. I do not agree that we can merrily walk away from the issue by saying of the judges that "They simply are" and I do not think that any litigant or accused should be fobbed off with the idea that they can appeal decisions. As you know appeals are very expensive. The legal profession and the judiciary should pursue excellence and eschew complacency.

  21. Selwyn,

    You are living proof that the GSD propaganda machine is indeed working efficiently. Kudos to their team for brain washing people to the extent that they cannot see what is right in front of them.

    Spartacus raises a lot of interesting points, which you seem quick to dismiss. Furthermore your response to his statements seems rather spiteful and condescending. You seem all too eager to squelch his assessments in typical GSD aficionado fashion.

    Unfortunately this is the new breed of Gibraltarian that the GSD government is producing, arrogant, deluded and with a false sense of importance.

    Gibraltar used to be for the Gibraltarians but not anymore. Whilst the CM and his minions turn our beloved rock into a tax haven for rich foreigners, build mostly unaffordable housing (forcing thousands of locals to live in Spain) and turn a blind eye to rising unemployment issues, we “proud” Gibraltarians continue to look on but do nothing.
    The GHA has an ever increasing number of Spanish workers being employed, locums are flown from UK (accommodation paid for, tax paid reimbursed) and private firms continue to recruit people from abroad for jobs that locals could easily do. Yet people are lead to believe “que lo llanito somo flojo” or not qualified enough. Blasphemy!!!
    Furthermore no one dares to question these aforementioned statements for fear of being branded as trouble makers and losing their chance of landing “un trabajo gobierno”, which is what many locals still aspire to in life.

    Where is Gibraltar now you ask?? My answer would have to be, on its way to losing its roots.

    Sad times my friend, sad times indeed.



  22. In response to feedback from my previous post:

    1) OBVIOUSLY I am not encouraging a return to the Palomo Riots - which I didn't live but am aware of - And I do not support violence. Obviously someone who is not open to ideas that fall outside the GSD mandate and remit would try to belittle me or paint my point of view as an unacceptable one by trying to make others believe that I meant a return to violence. Rather than do that, why not use your own little mind to come up with an adult counter- argument! Your attitude reeks of GSD obsessive who goes to extreme in attempts to convince "floaters" that anything outside the cosy GSD is Dark and Evil. I would know. I was GSD affiliated in the early years and know their tricks!

    Second, NO Im not one of "those" that has been hard done by characters driving Range Rovers, whatever that may mean. Im just a Gibraltarian who is not obsessive about political parties or idolises politicians. And every now and again, depsite not being the most intelligent guy about, try to use my own mind to interpret and evaluate. I hate being spoon fed and even if someone explains things to me, I am one of those who does not formulate an opinion until I read and interpret on my own!

    And thirdly, Selwyn Figueras. Won't even bother! I know Selwyn and know better than to waste my time trying to argue. He is one of those who despite his intelligence, is a conformist. His intelligence probably begs him to ocassionaly differ in opinion with the GSD, but I am guessing ambition, aspirations and some hunger for power keep him from speaking his mind and independent thought and instead consign himm under the rays of the warmest Sun. Shame, cos as an intelligent guy I am sure if he set his mind to it, and freed himself from his obsessive GSD attitude, he could make valuable contributions to Gibraltar. He would have to drop the snobbish attitude though!

    Won't comment any further cos it really saddens me to see so many obsessive poeple. Vote one party or vote another, FINE, but for Chrissake, you have your own mind. Use it. Im sure Peter Caruana won't hate you forever if you form your own opinions.

  23. Spartacus

    For what it is worth, when the comment about riots appeared I re-read your contribution. I found absolutely no reference to violence. I really do not know why the comment about palomos or riots was made ... it is totally off the wall.

  24. Legal Beagle

    Limiting appointments of judges to Queens Counsel in Gibraltar would certainly limit the pool of talent from whom to choose ... to 5 if one excludes the CM for obvious reasons. Is this a reflection on the ability and quality of the legal profession in Gibraltar?

    There again, it cannot be because most judges were recently chosen from the local profession, so there must be a good talent pool. It must be that there is no desire on the part of the establishment to recognise this talent ... No appointments of silks (Queens Counsel) for 9 years is a disgrace and an insult to our profession and not a single peep of serious and formidable complaint from any lawyer, lest their chances of appointment are diminished. There again our obligation is to fight the cause of others fearlessly ... not our own! For the last 3 to 4 years the profession has been fobbed of with lame excuses about the appointments system (that could and should have been resolved in days or weeks and not years) and unconscionable delays that, one is told, are based on arguments as to who makes the final decision.

    Oh dear ... there go my chances of appointment out of the window for having the temerity (again) to open my big mouth. I keep forgetting free speech is only tolerated when one says the right things that those in positions of influence agree with. Shit even at the ripe old age of 58 I still haven't learnt that simple lesson. ... LOL!

  25. Are Spart and KW going through some form of mid life crisis. Spart the reference to the range rover was not related to those who may drive it, but that I suspect that YOU are are in fact one of those idealistic types with che Guevara ambition and driving a RR. I bet u do don't u? All these problems in Gib, poverty, unemployment, social unrest, political instability, massive national debt, devious arrogant leader trying to sell Gib. Oh wait it's ok the revolution is coming, our very own Che will save us from this mess that we are in.

  26. If by KW you meant LW ... I had my midlife crisis 16 years ago ... I am too old for a mid life crisis LOL ... I am much closer to an end of life crisis LOL :).

  27. Why would the Establishment want to humiliate some lawyers by not appointing QCs? You are right to point out that there is something amiss but it is not clear who benefits from it. My own pet theory is that after PRC was made silk many years ago (as a political appointment, mark you well) he thought apres moi le deluge and sod all the others. Clearly in the Caruanaean mind the Bar of Gibraltar is full of intellectual midgets!!! (LOL? or even ROFL?? ouch!). Face it Bob, PRC has appropriated the rank of QC for himself.

  28. Anonymous 11:48....

    Just because some of us refuse to embrace the typical "flock" mentallity you seem to adhere to does not mean we are having any type of life crisis.

    To this I add in true CHE fashion the following quotation;

    "Impossible is just a BIG word thrown around by SMALL MEN who find it EASIER to live in the
    world they've been given than to explore the power they have to CHANGE IT. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING!"

    Viva la Revolucion ;) hahaha



  29. Mr. Vasquez you need to understand that the Chief Minister is engaged in a complex exercise of constitutional architecture. As part of this, under no circumstance can the F&CO have any input in the selection of QCs. This is a matter which must be dealt with in Gibraltar. The dignity of Gibraltar requires it. Most lawyers recognise this and are willing to wait until the goals are achieved.

  30. Anonymous at 18:50

    Really, WOW! And who finally chooses QC's is central to Gibraltar's status and constitutional relationship. LOL!

    I would suggest that those who have been appointed with the system in which the F&CO had the final word should immediately surrender their appointment ... will the CM show the way by example? LOL! Or maybe its a case for ROFL! Come on es lo que convenga mas y una cuestion de quien controla todo ...

  31. K,
    Have u suddenly gone all GSD. The quote you have kindly shared with us seems to suggest that we ought to push boundries. Your friend Fabian and Che don't want any change. Se plantan with the 2006 Constitution and don't believe that Gib could never dare or have an opinion or even create potential. With you on board and your views on the our tax haven that apparently does nothing for Llanitos we can be sure of great success for the Rock. Is it just international investors who buy properties for £1.5m plus in Gib or are there some Llanitos too? I wonder?

  32. Chagos Islands' future lies with UK check the webon Chagos Island and read their story its frightening. Gibraltar future also lies with UK and we dont know where gibraltar is now.perhaps future confidential undisclosed documents will give as a hint?

  33. Need to do thisnin two posts...

    Perhaps best to deal with the comments made in reply to my own in order of appearance...

    Kaelan, you are, as everyone is, entitled to have your opinion about whether or not I am a 'typical GSD aficionado' or, indeed, a member of the class of 'the new breed of Gibraltarian that the GSD government is producing, arrogant, deluded and with a false sense of importance.' I apologise if, for some reason, expressing my opinion, one which coincides with that of a pro-GSD position, is offensive to you or, as you seem to believe, is arrogant and delivered with a false sense of importance. I thought that contributing my two pence worth would be given just the same opportunity as the long list of contributions on LW are. It seems however that any pro-GSD comment is deluded and worthy of derision. Also, apologies if I came across as having a false sense of self importance when i contributed, as did everyone else on this forum. I am proud of what I have achieved in life, but must be sure to reign such pride in in future as I wouldn't want to cause offence. It's a shame that you don't consider the evolution of our finance centre or the arrival and growth of the gaming industry in Gibraltar as positives for us because a lot of expensive property has been built in Gibraltar as a result. I am thankful for it, as should be a large number of Gibraltarians.

    As for Spartacus, not having been a regular reader of this blog and not having the luxury of a real name to go by, I'm afraid I'm unable to deliver my assessment, as you readily do, of my character, my political inclinations and, refreshingly, an understanding of my own personal ambition. It is certainly interesting that at a time in my life when I myself don't know the direction I would like to take in a professional capacity, a person who I don't know actually does!

    I am described by Spartacus as a GSD obsessive, which is interesting for a variety of reasons. Perhaps it would help to disclose that I voted for the GSLP in 1996 and that when PC took office I was convinced that it was a matter of time before we got sold out to the Spanish. In fact, a review of the GSLP's membership records should show that I was a signed and fully paid up member of the party. This was a very long time ago now and, over the years, I have been impressed by the advances we have experienced in Gibraltar in many a field. Sure, there are things that could have been done better, that could have turned out more positively, but on the whole, I like the Gibraltar we live in today far more than the one back then. This, if I'm allowed, is entirely my opinion. 

    Part 2 to follow

  34. Part 2

    In terms of foreign policy, I am confident that PC will not be selling us down the river to the Spanish now or in the future.  I want nothing to do with the Spanish, as I think I've made clear, and if PC's position were clearly inconsistent with that, he wouldn't have my vote. Following the mention of the Andorra solution in Seville last week, I don't have the luxury of having the inside line as to why it was mentioned when it was and how, if at all, such a statement can be reconciled with a 100% guarantee that no concessions on sovereignty will be made to the Spanish. I do know the following:

    The Andorra solution was mentioned in passing, as something the style of which could be considered if offered, with no mention of specifics and a reminder that it is unlikely that such a solution could ever satisfy the Spanish claim, for obvious reasons. The statement that followed from PC confirming that no solution which concedes a single iota of sovereignty to the hinterland is acceptable was enough for me. Obviously the opposition can make much political capital from the uncertainty this has engendered, feeding on the misunderstanding which must exist in certain sectors of the community to their advantage. One cannot bemoan them the realities of the party political game. 

    To be accused of being deluded, arrogant, obsessive, and to note that others are saddened to see an 'intelligent' person so very obviously being brain washed by the propaganda machinery of one or another party is, frankly, incredible. The assumption that my political aspirations, if any (and these are as yet unresolved in any event), are fuelled by 'some hunger for power' is doubly incredulous. It is my belief, to which I am pretty sure I'm entitled, that reactions of this nature to a comment by someone who is known to have an opinion as well as a willingness to 'put it out there,' cause potential political players to reconsider their future. 

    This is just my opinion of course and, I hope, I will be forgiven my GSD obsessive take on life and politics. I'm probably deluded anyway, and any arrogance is entirely accidental...

  35. Anonymous 19:50

    Perception is indeed a funny thing as is your interpretation or rather your misinterpretation of my posts and quotations.

    Implying that I believe our tax system does “nothing” for Llanitos would be an outright lie. What I did state though was the following “Whilst the CM and his minions turn our beloved rock into a tax haven for rich foreigners”. Upon reflecting on the aforementioned statement, I now do admit that what I should have posted is the following: “Whilst the CM and his minions turn our beloved rock into a tax haven for RICH LOCALS AND FOREIGNERS”. Incidentally I do not know anyone who can afford a 1.5 million (never mind plus) property. Unfortunately I do not have the pleasure of acquainting myself with such wealthy company. Most of the people I know still live with their parents or rent accommodation in Spain where it is cheaper (as do most young Gibraltarians).

    As for Picardo I don’t think you give him due credit, not that this was ever expected.
    Seen as a major threat by the GSD fraternity it seems you are all too eager to dismiss his ideas and brandish them as negative and backdated.

    On a last note I thank you for finding the time to respond to my postings :)



  36. You won't need to look far for that rich local, not far at all. Picardo, I give a great deal of credit to, he has managed to sit out three election losses as the waiting pretender to the thrown and no one has actually asked what leadership credentials he has shown by waiting it out with a party that has no policy other than to sit on the fence. Credit where creditc is due indeed. A and it's a pleasure. One final thing, you really want make comparables when you suggest that Gibraltar is failing it's own. Things like unemployment rates, Bank reposessions, social unrest, riots, protests and other sorts tend to indicate the apparent crisis we are apparently in. And then there's the pending sale of course.

  37. Anonymous 22:14

    May I suggest the same leadership credentials as Tony Blair and David Cameron before election as party leaders and then appointment as Prime Minister? In fact perhaps even the same as Peter Caruana before he took on his roles in politics?

  38. Yes of course they all stood by and saw the same party leader loose three consecutive elections without bating an eyelid and waiting waiting waiting, hoping, hoping, hoping, he's probably praying now. Suprused to see you jump in LW, I thought you wrote a blog on why the GSLP's only chance to win was with Joe.

  39. Anonymous at 22:45

    Each waited for their moment. I reply not to the issues of election defeats but to the issue of credentials.

    I neither support nor defend any individual. I give my opinion in context of any debate.

  40. You cannot be serious LW. Are you honestly suggesting that Fabian is waiting for the right moment? Pull the other one!

  41. Anonymous 22:57

    I know not what Fabian is doing ... my reply is historical.

  42. Oh so your initial comment was a moment of inspiration and had nothing to do with references to Fabian and his failing to recognise that three lost terms gas not only not done much for his integrity, but has failed our democracy, now there's somthing for you to dig in to. You can title it " in the best interest of democracy, how not to do it"

  43. Selwyn,

    Judging by your writing style and witty responses you seem to be a bright fellow. So please explain to me why you are now playing the victim card? When you are fully aware why I made the assumptions I did regarding your character.

    The manner in which you dismissed Spartacus posts and I quote “would Spartacus seek to make the CM accountable for expressing an opinion not everyone agrees with? Censure? Burning at the stake?” reeks of a superiority complex. Furthermore I find your attempts to diffuse my accusations by playing possum slightly insulting. At least have the decency to admit what you are instead of seeking sympathy from those who read the blog.

    Please note I am not in the habit of coming to the aid of other “bloggers” but your reply to Spartacus’s postings slightly rattled me. I accept your apologies and ask you to excuse my prior character assessment/assassination? I did not expect you to be so easily offended.

    On another note your statements regarding the Finance centre, growth of the Gaming industry and building of expensive property in Gibraltar further strengthens my claim of thinking that you are indeed a GSD aficionado. Clearly more interested in lining your pockets than with the needs of the common Gibraltarian. Due to personal reasons I cannot comment on the Finance centre or the Gaming industry situation, though if I did I am sure I would make your eat humble pie.
    The expensive buildings you speak of benefit only a small select of our current population. The “chosen ones” (as I have branded them) are definitely reaping the rewards. The common Gibraltarian though works hard to make ends meet and pay the mortgage for their overpriced flats conveniently labeled ‘affordable housing’.

    I won’t go on and on about this as there is no point.

    Ps – I have a good job and own my property outright. Please do not mistake me for some angry youth with nothing better else to do. I am just concerned about the future of our people. As someone once told me “I see the bigger picture”.



  44. Thank god you see the bigger picture, what are you waiting for? Enlighten us all, please. Will it feed all those starving, homeless Llanitos? Will it do away with those who are superior and live life with no regard for us mere mortals, will it lead us to Sparts utopia. Can you rid us all of this dispair?

  45. Anonymous 00:24

    Now now play nice ;)

    I never stated anything about homeless or starving llanitos!

    Why do you people keep putting words in my mouth or more appropriately letters on my keyboard???

    Your extremely condescending response to my previous post makes me smile but also wonder. Why are you trying to belittle my statements in such a blatant manner? Food for thought I reckon....

    Buenas noches,


  46. Kaelan

    I'm not playing victim, I'm pointing out that despite the fact that I confirm in my first post that I'm a GSD supporter I am criticised for then making an observation for being pro GSD! I'm not going to go round in circles on this and I think my position is clear. As for Spart's original post, I do not consider we are lost, far from it. 

    I consider myself a fortunate common Gibraltarian with a good job and a good salary, no more, but my personal situation is as it is because of, amongst other things, the finance centre and gaming industries in Gib which, thanks to the hard work of the industry itself, have been the source of a significant number of jobs and wealth in Gibraltar, whether directly or indirectly. Talking about Range Rovers and other high end vehicles, consider where the wealth to pay for these (other than those exported) comes from, wealth which keeps the dealers in business and 100s of jobs safe. That's just one example. 

    So no, we are not lost. In any society there will be those less fortunate and yes, work must be put in to minimise the number of people who remain 'less fortunate.' As for the social services comment made by Spart, of course it's worrying that one 'slipped through the net' but I can imagine that this is something which is taken very seriously and that it is also true that, at times, problems of a new dimension present themselves in a manner which one is unprepared for. 

    We learn and hopefully we implement systems to ensure it doesn't happen again, but to say that it is symptomatic of a failed or lost society is, in my view, an unjustified quantum leap.

    As for certain properties being the reserve of 'The Chosen Ones,' you'd be surprised  to learn who some of these Chosen Ones are but, as far as I'm concerned, good on them! There's no shame in hard work, entrepreneurialism and the lifestyle that comes with it.

  47. To be perfectly frank I could not care less who is made a QC but there is an implication that these appointments have in the past been made for political / colonial expediency. I have heard that the giving of silk was "in the gift" of the governor, like a birthday or wedding present!. What did you have to do to receive these gifts. Does Caruana now want to be the giver? Unless someone can convince me otherwise I conclude that QCship is yet another of those disgraceful methods for controlling and manipulating people. I like your suggestion that existing QCs named by the FCO should surrender their titles and that PRC should lead the way PMSL.

  48. Furthermore please note that I was being condescending myself when I quoted “I see the bigger picture”.

    Making reference to a statement made by Ghost in a previous post (different topic) when evaluating my political mindset.



  49. "No appointments of silks (Queens Counsel) for 9 years is a disgrace and an insult to our profession and not a single peep of serious and formidable complaint from any lawyer, lest their chances of appointment are diminished." We discovered in a leak on a previous blog that there is a tussle between No. 6 and the FCO on the appointment of silks, which both want to 'control'. And I would suggest that the CM is in no hurry to speed up the process as a proliferation of silks would devalue his own - and his cousin Rob might slip in too, which he is unlikely to particularly welcome.

  50. So now you are beIng condescending and cannot see the bigger picture. That's a turn around. You do insinuate homless by the simple reference to Llanitos forced to live in Spain, you refer to hard done by Llanitos struggling to pay mortgages and the superior life of the wealthy with those £1.5m properties. you still sure you know not of any Llanito with a property if this value, can you give me a cast iron gaurantee?

  51. This will be my last post, por que se que ya estoy pesao lololol


    As I have previously stated, due to personal reasons I cannot comment on the either the Finance centre or the thriving Gaming industry situation. What I will state though is that there is much more to this than meets the eye. Sometimes my misguided friend things are not simply black and white, but shades of grey.

    On a final note your assessment regarding the “chosen ones” I believe is a tad off. I’d rather refer to them as “Enchufaos con Contactos”, not hard working entrepreneurs with matching lifestyles.

    I must admit though it has been a thoroughly entertaining debate. Thank you for finding the time to respond to my postings and for livening up my usually boring Sunday afternoons.



  52. Ghost says:

    I see I have been missed and am mentioned in the bigger picture. To be honest the banter between Sprat (I believe he is called), Selwyn and Kaelan was one I was willing to stay out of; unnecessary and surprising bullying (in my view) from Sprat and K who offer little substance by way of really stating what it is that they are so unhappy about. I think they offer enough intellect to rule out any prospect or suggestion of communism, I say think because there seems to be some sort of animosity against anyone doing well financially in Gibraltar, local or other; there are also a number of connotations with regard to the disadvantaged Gibraltarian and the favouritism of non-locals.

    Look I am unsure where you are getting this from. In the past 15 years we have picked ourselves up from a disastrous state of affairs which interestingly does remind us of what Sprat and K are trying to depict of today’s Gibraltar. Comments such as “gone are the days when people would be alarmed at the slightest and take to the streets to make their feelings known”, “Gibraltar used to be for the Gibraltarians”….where are you guys getting this stuff from? The realities of Gibraltar are quite different to that which you suggest; of course we are not perfect and neither will we or any other community be. You should use comparisons to other communities and nations around the world, when you hammer your own community down in the name of debate, you should look at unemployment rates across the whole of Europe, you should visit the hospitals in communities far larger than ours, you should also look at crime rates, homeless figures, the poverty line……for the love of God guys, I know you are political but your assertions quite apart from being vague are ridiculous by comparison to the realities the big world out there.

    I am pleased that K mentions his condescending reference to the bigger picture, which was in fact something I had mentioned; as opposed to being patronizing he might wish to face the fact that the bigger picture or even a plan is actually not part and parcel of anything that the GSLP have the capacity to deliver at this stage, an assertion which I think is common knowledge even amongst those within the party. For example and quite apart from the “lets sit on the fence” attitude of the constitution, which at the time they were unsure of, now we have a full circle event in which the GSLP fully support a constitution that delivers the full protection of the Gibraltarian identity…..people after 4 long years the penny dropped at GSLP HQ, it’s official and we now have cast iron guarantees that they want nothing further – awe inspiring stuff! Now they want to make the next election about a constitution they were unsure about and which was designed and made possible by PRC in the first place. At least Robert sticks to his NO protest, but apparently only parts of it now – valiente equipo.

    The big picture is about what has been achieved so far and what we can aspire to in the future - at least we agree that the 2006 Con is progress and something which few thought would have ever been possible under a threat of direct rule in 95.

    So if you believe the GSLP and Robert, we should batten down the hatches people and seek no more, because it ain’t possible. If on the other hand you can bring yourself to possibly believing that PRC is not about to execute his devious plan to sell Gib, well then we can collectively and safely (given the guarantee that the 2006 Con gives us) aspire to more. What is more you might ask, more independence, more wealth, more what exactly….well a little bit of everything actually because we can, but none of this matters if we do not aspire to be righteous.

    So where is Gibraltar now? Robert feels it in an adequate position. The GSLP think that we are falling to pieces. The GSD and PRC seem to have a more positive approach and as much as I hate to say it the proof is in the pudding….make your comparables and you decide, but please let’s do away with the melodramatics.

    Robert, el vino picha?


  53. How shallow politics can be when someone like selwyn who I had as been intelligent and with conviction should change parties on just one issue or even five!! Its like having Cameron becoming a socialist because he is not in favour of five things that the conservative party stands for and what is even more shallow is that he did not seem to have taken on what after all was his party before. With people like him what hope have we got vis a vis Spain. As far as a am concerned if Selwyn stands for the GSD and gets elected we will see yet another politician only interested in themselves as opposed to thoses who will stand up and put their arguements which he obviously did not do in his "previous life". Viva el pancismo!!

  54. Ghost

    What I have said is that the UK has shut the door to further self govrernment whilst we remain British and that Gibraltar endorsed this in a misguided referendum. It is the GSD who said it was an exercise in self determination. The GSD cannot now say we want more to achieve self determination.

    In this context I cannot see room for advance without involving Spain. Gibraltar wants to have nothing to do with that so lo que tenemos es lo que hay. It is not so bad but needs refining to do away with the democratic deficit and that this is in the ahands of our government. Will they or do they do it? NO!

  55. An anonymous non-QC writes: Is there any trith in the rumour that Llanito W has been banned from all government offices?

  56. Firstly please excuse typo (additional ‘the’ before word either) on my last posting. I was at work and had to type response rather quickly.

    Ghost that was quite a rant!!! I did not know you were so sensitive! Que shuni!

    The only one here being melodramatic, is you.

    How can you neglect to see that there ARE indeed issues in Gibraltar that need addressing? Furthermore how can you have the audacity to imply that these things are acceptable because they are happening elsewhere too? I thought you were far too intelligent to adhere to that type of impudent attitude. Boy was I wrong!

    On a final note I am sorry if I have across as some type of ‘play ground bully’. There are no feelings of ill will or animosity towards Selwyn I just do not agree with his political stance. I actually admire him for having the courage to make his statements publicly and not hiding behind an anonymous sudo-name. I do respect him for that.



  57. Ghost says:

    I do not believe that The GSD have said that they want more to achieve self determination.

    What is being addressed is a 300 year old problem with Spain which like it or not affects our daily lives and which is something that the CM is trying to address after having secured our right to decide our future with no further impending sovereignty threat over our heads.

    It seems that there are some who are willing to accept this now and choose to embrace it but who then accuse the very person who strived to achieve it of selling Gibraltar.

    To seek political convenience and use it to your advantage is an ugly political game which is tolerated, to seek political convenience out of misrepresentation and lies is only a testament to the desperation of those who do nothing and is beyond anything that can be classed as politics of any form, but rather an act of irresponsibility that insults the inteligent democratic freedom we all aspire to.

    My references above are not directed at you Robert, bar the top two paras.

    On democratic deficit, you know I agree with you to a point, that being that it does not undermine the ultimate ability to govern.


  58. This chap Kaelan started really strongly and has had to backtrack after offering mere hollow "party lines" and other shallow gripes.

    In addition he seems to suggest that only a selected few benefit in Gibraltar. Of course he fails to mention the increasing number of locals that have become professionals thanks to generous an improving education system, students grants etc...

    To boot the irony here (if I am not mistaken)is that he is a young lawyer himself , hence one of these upwardly mobile individuals (thanks to the opportunities extended to him under the current administration) and who rubs shoulders with certain so called left wing/union types whom have also become rather rich themselves.

  59. Anonymous at 23:55

    I do not normally defend persons who post comments but cannot see Kaelan as following "party Lines" any more or less than you are.

    Improvements in the educational system and availability of student grants pre-date the GSD. They were delivered by the GSLP. The GSD did away with means testing, which increased the ability of higher earners to benefit more rather than low earners who could already benefit to the maximum available.

    I do not believe that Kaelan is a young lawyer but even if he were the lot of young lawyers today is not as bright as many think. Qualifying as a lawyer is not laying the golden egg that so many think it is or was. Rich left wing/union types who have become rich? Where are they?

  60. Anonymous 12:51

    I see you keep true to form and persist in twisting my words as you see fit. Well done, quiere un badge?

    Anonymous 21:28

    I have never backtracked, all I have done is clarified my statements as some people seem all too eager (please see above) to twist my words.
    Please note I am regrettably not a young Lawyer. Maybe you might remember the dancing boxer from the “Let’s Dance” GBC TV show?? hahahah ;) I am flattered though!

    Ghost for your FYI!

    Need to do this on two posts.

    Why I am not happy with a GSD Gibraltar...

    (1) The Angling Campaign issues -

    The proposed Consultation paper recently drafted by the Gibraltar Government seems only to benefit a small minority of the local population (specifically the diving association). Whilst at the same time allowing the Spaniards to do what they have always done (lately more so), which is whatever they have felt like doing! It seems very ironic indeed that Gibraltar’s beaches are now ‘protected’ from local anglers but not from Spanish ones, which are the real threat to the marine environment. Spanish trawling boats use their nets (which kill undersized fish and destroy coral) barely 50 meters from our shore line’s yet local authorities continue to turn a blind eye. Why may I ask? Are they allowed to exploit our marine environment repeatedly with no repercussions what so ever? Whilst our OWN people are subjected to harassment and possible fines? Restricting members of the general public and their families from fishing off Gibraltar’s shorelines is definitely not on my ‘to do list’.
    It seems that the days when Gibraltar’s parents and their parents before them used to take their kids fishing (recreationally) are destined to be lost as is the identity of our people.

    Melodramatic? YES! But also TRUE!

  61. (2) Favouritism towards foreigners –

    Is it just me or has anybody else noticed the ever increasing number of foreigners in Gibraltar these days? I know we are supposed to be a multicultural society but there is a BIG difference between multiculturalism and being completely engulfed by a wave of immigrants (albeit EU ones).

    Private firms and Companies (especially those recently established) seem to prefer employing people from abroad rather than locals. They even go as far as offering extremely lucrative relocation packages. One quick search on Google for Gibraltar Jobs would confirm this. To this there is the always the counter argument though that locals are not qualified or experienced enough to do the jobs required. To this I would reply, TRAIN them.

    Furthermore as far as qualifications go there are hundreds of unemployed locals out there with degrees. Bsc (hons), Ba (hons), Llb (hons), Lawyers, Chemists, etc etc!

    Did you know Ghost that quite a few Private Firms/Companies in Gibraltar have a workforce which compromises of only a mere 8 % of Gibraltar nationals? Do the maths!

    Cheap labour aside (which one could understand to a certain extent) is there any reason why this should be happening? Why does the GSD Government allow this to happen?

    I also find it quite ironic that the same Government who strives to educate and provide these aforementioned students with grants. Then do nothing when these qualified, educated youths cannot find employment in their own land, because the job post they have just applied for was taken by some ‘import’.

    Furthermore what Anonymous 21:28 is basically stating is that the youth of Gibraltar should be GRATEFUL for having the privilege of being educated right? Even though when push comes to shove they might as well use their degrees as toilet paper. It is this type of arrogant attitude that really does (please pardon my French) piss me off.

    To this I shall add that I am not advocating a “no foreigner” policy in Gibraltar, this would be wrong. What I am advocating though is that Gibraltar is first and foremost for the GIBRALTARIANS. It is OUR LAND and OUR PEOPLE should be given preferential treatment NOT those who come from abroad.

    I was going to write more stuff pero toy cansao ya, novea la palissa ma dao en el gym hoy lololol

    I look forward to the inevitable avalanche of sceptical replies from anonymous bloggers who bravely ‘mould’ (to their advantage none the less) my statements from the comforts of their homes. LOL



  62. Someone obviously has a bone to pick with Selwyn. What I can't understand is that he is being accused of blindly following party line, but then accused of changing political parties. Whatever his intentions, it shows that he has a mind of his own.

    Plus some can't help thinking that 'Kaelan Joyce' is a nom de guerre of Fabian Picardo? With KJ's permission of course. Some of those posts certainly have a tinge of Picardia.

  63. Ghost says:

    Kaelan, First you retract the "bigger picture" and excuse it as condescending, then you lose it with Selwyn and excuse it with an apology, but dig in further by accusing Selwyn of being sensitive, you then proceed to qualify my post as a rant and call me shuni, because I am apparently sensitive too and you do all of this without still grasping anything at all or even providing any substance when challenged.

    There are indeed a great many things that require addressing Kaelan, but you choose to either amplify to levels that are relevant in 3rd world countries and where in Gibraltar we have continuously enjoyed socioeconomic success' that exceed most parts of the world; and therefore my point again is that the GSLP chooses to convince the public otherwise as you and Sprat have. Time and time again your cast iron guarantees are seen as glass houses which the electorate having thrown it back at you on four occasions now. It takes a great deal more integrity and honesty of which the GSLP are not able to provide at this stage. You continue to pursue a strategy that has proven disastrous in the past and offers no future for democratic freedom in our society, the very fact that you remain with a leader who has lost four consecutive elections is proof of the lack of successive leadership, weak democratic instinct as a party and no policy on anythng.


  64. LW, Fabian has posted something definately worth watching on his facebook page. You should see it, I know you like following Fabian. It's Joe on viewpoint telling us how well protected we are with the 2006 constitution. And giving his word that he will not negotiate our sovereignty. He's learnt now that the constitution protects us and supports it. Maybe if he is elected CM again he won't drive us down a cliff and take us to the verge of direct rule.

  65. BUENA AHI SELWYN!!!!! You continue to talk sense on Llanito World. Also PETER CARUANA QC (YES QC!!!!!!!Q effing C!!!) has come out fighting and has put to SHAME ALL THOSE CYNICS WHO HAVE BEEN WRITING IN ON THE ORDERS OF THE OPPOSSITION!!!! TOADAY IG A GOOD DAY For REAL GIBRALTARIANS!!!!

  66. Given Bossanos 1993 address in the UN and supporting an Andorra solution for Gibraltar whilst also recognising it's independence, do you think that the GSLP will make another statement on their position again? They have so many positions to defend, it's difficult to keep track. Will they be retracting and apologising or are they gonna do a constitution and change their minds again? What will Picardo be posting on Fbook next I wonder?

  67. Ghost says:

    K You should start looking for more examples of why you are unhappy with the GSD, to date your exageration and interpretation of the current cliamte on issues highlighted are about as leveled as your parties position on Andorra and the constitution.....way off and full of political convenience.

    The position on anglers: it is sad that areas for fishing have been lost; it is however a sign of the times and a reality of a growing economy, shipping, finance, tourism etc. Alternative provisions are made and more importantly licenses quite common throughout Europe are now required - still not was it used to be,......a fair comment. I won't be drawn into the waters issue and the Spanish trawlers, its not relevant in this context.

    Favoritism toward foreigners: this one is classic, have you checked unemployment figures in Gib, you should, they are the lowest in Europe and most parts of the world. Are you truly suggesting that because there are certain international companies with the confidence to relocate to Gib and that require specific skills not found here, and who pay high taxes and contribute to the community, that we should now impose a certain percentage of local employment quotas on them? The fact is that we quite clearly do not have enough people qualified in specific sectors and the nature of our growth requires outside labour, what you are alluding to is a facist approach of a nature that would lead to the instability of our economic success and our future. Who on earth are you trying to protect here. Gibraltar for the Gibraltarians as you put it and in the context that you place it in suggests something quite radical and exclusive....exclusivity is not the basis of a free society and will get us nowhere.


  68. The flag of Andorra was adopted in the year 1866. The Andorra flag is vertical and has three colors-- blue, yellow and red with the coat of arms of Andorra in the middle. Although the three vertical layers of color appear to be of the same width, on closer observation, one can find that the yellow bar in the center is slightly wider than the two. The motto in the center says, "Virtus Unita Fortior", which means "Strength United is Stronger". The flag of Andorra is based on the flags of Spain and France, the two states which are responsible to protect the independence of this small state.


  69. This debate has gone astray.

    Consider articles 43 to 47, 66, 89 (2), 96 and 105 of the 1993 Andorran Constitution.

    The future Gibraltar constitutional model can only be based on a combination of three things:

    a) the "joint sovereignty" proposals agreed between UK and Spain in 2001 on matters concerning power sharing on defence, foreign affairs and internal security

    b) the retention of the remaining parts of the 2006 constitution on internal/local matters

    c) the Andorran Constitution regarding its international status, Coprinces and the sovereignty of the people over their territory (for Gibraltar its land sea and air) limited by a)and with full UN recognition.

    What's so wrong with that if the three governments want it subject to the consent of the people of Gibraltar in a referendum?

  70. 1704

    You are aware that the current flag of Gibraltar is an elongated banner of the Coat of Arms of Gibraltar granted by Royal Warrant by Queen Isabella 1 of Castile (Spain) on the 10th July 1502?
    Our flag differs to other British Overseas Territories in that it is not a British Ensign.
    So, I don't think you can pin this one on Peter Caruana & the GSD. I know they have been in power a long time, but not since 1502!

  71. Need to do this in 2 parts.

    (Part 1)

    Ghost you portray me as a GSLP fanatic, which I am not.

    In essence I am apolitical, but if I had to choose a political stance it would have to be ANTI GSD.

    The phrase “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” accurately depicts my current mindset.
    I must admit though I do like Picardo’s way of thinking. To this I will also add that Keith Azzopardi (PDP Leader) also has some very interesting ideas.

    For those of you who believe that Picardo is my “puppet master”, please think again. I am far too strong willed to be manipulated in such a manner. A fighter by nature and by trade I am not, what one would call “receptive” to such things.

    Furthermore I find it amusing that someone referred to me as a ‘nom de guerre’ of Fabian Picardo. Do you really deem me as being THAT intelligent? Thank you for the compliment, you have certainly made my day!! Please note that no one has coerced me into posting anything I have posted. These are MY thoughts and no one else’s. Unlike many of the ‘bloggers’ on LLW I have NOTHING to hide.

    Back to Ghost.......

    Ghost you strike me as the type of character that finds it easier to live in the world that you have been given rather than explore the power you have to change it. I find it disheartening to see statements such as these being made on your behalf:

    (a) “It is sad that areas for fishing have been lost; it is however a sign of the times and a reality of a growing economy, shipping, finance, tourism “
    (b) “The fact is that we quite clearly do not have enough people qualified in specific sectors and the nature of our growth requires outside labour”.

    I guess you too adhere to the type of flock mentality that I have been criticising throughout this entire blog! Can you not even ATTEMPT to ponder the WHY?? Almeno al el pape no? LOL

    Has it not crossed your mind that both issues could have been approached differently?

    I am fully aware that most places in Europe are now implementing Fishing licences. I definitely see this as a must myself. This was not though what the Gibraltar Angling Association was protesting about at the North mole Picket (which I incidentally actively participated in) the other day. It was the way in which the new legislation was drafted that had angered them. The restriction of angling spots was the main and obvious concern but there was also one other important factor that had the anglers “up in arms”.
    This was the fact that foreign anglers had been granted the SAME EXACT right to apply for licences as local ones. Additionally there were no restrictions set on the licence quotas for these aforementioned foreign anglers. To sum it up Spaniards (who fish with about 100 rods at a time and kill anything they catch) can now LEGALLY fish in Gibraltar. Ahora trata TU UN LLANITO sacarte una licencia en Espania vale? Habe que de dicen? lolololol

  72. (Part 2)

    Last but not least the ‘Classic’……

    In total contrast to what the GSD Government (and Ghost) will have you believe there are indeed locals in Gibraltar with the experience and qualifications required to do many of the jobs available in the Private sector (though admittedly not all).
    You state and I am quoting here Ghost “The fact is that we quite clearly do not have enough people qualified in specific sectors”. Who if I may ask has told you that this is a FACT? I know many professionals with the required skill set and qualifications needed to do these jobs but keep getting the ‘cold shoulder’.
    I believe that a better assessment of the situation is that these aforementioned Companies prefer to employ people from their native lands. If I am to be honest I would do the same if I were allowed (please take note of the word allowed) and in their position. For example who would you prefer to work with if you had the chance to choose from? Mark from ‘La Laguna’ or Rajesh from India? You would probably choose Mark right? He probably talks the same language as you do, has a similar back ground and well you just feel more ‘comfortable’ with him. You have most likely concluded all of this in just a few seconds without even having met either of them. Ahora dirme tu que esto es mentira anda?

    Furthermore I ask you, as you seem to relate a lot to other countries with similar scenarios as Gibraltar. Why cannot we impose certain limits on the percentage of locals employed by these private companies? A lot of countries do this, such as Malta, Isle of Wight (please note countries listed) etc.

    Let us remember this is OUR land and THEY should be grateful to be here. They should consider themselves LUICKY to be able to reside here and educate their children in our schools.
    As far as Gibraltar goes, it is a little piece of heaven in comparison to other countries and we all know why. Mediterranean weather, low crime rates, beautiful women, good schools etc.

    Ghost I believe you should give YOUR PEOPLE a little more CREDIT than what you do. Un pocito amor propio no???



  73. Ghost says:

    K, I agree that those who do come to our shores, individuals and organistaions do indeed consider themselves lucky and priveledged....that in itself is a telling tale.

    I am sorry you feel this way. I have all but squeezed the realities as they stand. If you cannot understand or refuse to accept these realities, then so be it. Enough said on this on my part.


  74. Part 1
    How Malta archived complete and total independence from Britain
    GSD, GSLP, PDP. No joint deals with Spain
    Reno Calleja
    Late in 1957, Dom Mintoff led a Labour government delegation in London. Facing Mintoff and leading the British delegation was the British Secretary of State for the Colonies Alan Lennox Boyd. He was more than six feet tall and very intimidating. Mintoff dropped a bombshell which seemed to shock Lennox Boyd right through his spine. He bluntly told him that if the British did not want to treat the Maltese as equals, he, on behalf of the Maltese people, was demanding complete and total independence from Britain. Characteristically but intentionally, Mintoff provoked the British delegation in a cold but masterly calculated move. He touched the British nerve by telling Lennox Boyd that after Independence he could not guarantee the British would keep their military base. As Guze Cassar recounted to me, Lennox Boyd was furious. The people around the two delegations had to separate the two leaders, because they almost came to blows. Fuming with anger, Lennox Boyd told Mintoff: “You are a pocket dictator”, obviously trying to insult Mintoff for being short and for his total dominance of the Labour Party. To which Mintoff retorted: “And you are a six-foot bastard”. That required guts. Britain had imprisoned almost every leader of the African and Asian countries who led the freedom movements during the 1950s. This incident in my view encapsulates the Malta Labour Party’s passionate position on Freedom Day. In September l964, two years before the approaching general elections, the British were in a hurry to give Malta its independence. The British were eager to give independence to Gorg Borg Olivier because they wanted to sign a defence treaty to guarantee that everything would remain unchanged. They were terrified of Mintoff who had declared he would close the British military base and declare Malta neutral and non-aligned. While in l964, Malta acquired the legal status of an independent country, a very important step in Malta’s rough and bumpy constitutional road, on the other hand Malta’s heart and lungs were still in the hands of the British and NATO. Telecommunications, the airport, the banks, air travel, sea travel, petrol and gas, our ports: everything remained under Britain’s control. In 1967 Borg Olivier asked for NATO membership

  75. Part 2
    His request was treated with contempt and disdain. Malta was only fit to be their errand boy. Before the 1971 general elections which Labour won, the US and British ambassadors met several times to discuss how to help the Nationalist Party win the forthcoming elections. They had every reason to be apprehensive. Mintoff had made it clear that if elected, NATO’s days in Malta were numbered. Real and concrete freedom was won by Malta on the 31 March 1979, after years of hard work and sacrifices by the Maltese Labour movement. This movement, embarked upon with almost holy zeal, was on a mission to give Malta its political and economic independence. It was also determined to give the Maltese freedom of thought. On the political front it fought against the British and NATO. On the local front it was embattled with the Church and some conservative forces, trapped in the Middle Ages that suffocated any liberal and progressive ideas. Witness the six principles the Labour government entrenched in the Maltese Republican Constitution of 1974. Those were progressive, liberal, secularist and visionary ideas. This bumpy, hard and hilly road, so brilliantly captured by the artist Anton Agius in his Freedom Monument at Vittoriosa, had its casualties. The successive Labour governments of 1971 and 1976 worked tirelessly on a strategy to wrest Malta’s total economic dependence from the West by dealing with Libya, China, Eastern Europe, North Korea and whoever wanted to help Malta diversify. Politically Malta became fiercely independent, working day and night for peace in the Middle East, because it staunchly believed that without peace in the Mediterranean Europe would suffer. Minutes after Mintoff was sworn in as Prime Minister in 1971, he kicked out Admiral Birindelli, the NATO chief who left Malta with his tail between his legs, without even having the time to pack his things. He informed Governor Sir Maurice Dorman to count his days because he was appointing a Maltese as Governor General. He renegotiated the British defence agreement forcing Britain and NATO to pay Malta Lm14 million (a very large sum of money for that time), telling Lord Carrington, “it would allow us to change Malta in a way to enable us to live without you.” Should we have one national day? I have attempted to convince your readers that September 1964 and March 1979 are both important and historic days for Malta. Should we then have one national day? Of course not. The Nationalist Party and the Labour Party should find a compromise and agree to give both dates the same importance. Despite trying to depict him as infantile and inexperienced, the new Labour leader Joseph Muscat has declared that this is the road both parties should embark on. It is insulting and hurtful of the Nationalist government to try to bury the 31 March. It will not be.
    Reno Calleja is a former Labour MP


  76. Ghost you infuriate me!!!

    AGAIN you twist my words!!! I have never stated "those who do come to our shores, individuals and organizations do indeed consider themselves lucky and privileged". To which you added rather conveniently, “that in itself is a telling tale”.

    What I did state was the following:

    "Let us remember this is OUR land and THEY SHOULD be grateful to be here. They SHOULD consider themselves LUCKY to be able to reside here and educate their children in our schools." Whilst at the same time implying that there SHOULD be a SET QUOTA FOR LOCALS BEING EMPLOYED (which you do not agree with) by each Private firm/Company in Gibraltar.
    Please let us note that charity starts at home first my friend.

    I never stated they actually DID consider themselves lucky! Do you even BOTHER to READ what I write?? Or are you so BRAINWASHED that the words in front of you magically transform to cater for your opinions??? I am glad the postings are there for all to see! How can you so blatantly alter my sentences? Valiente cachondeo!

    Furthermore it is YOU and not I, who cannot understand or refuses to accept these so called “realities”.

    Maybe you are too busy lining your pockets to acknowledge what is happening in your very own backyard. Or maybe you are just naïve enough to believe the GSD propaganda ploy, which keeps portraying a Perfect Gibraltar to the public. Or maybe you are just some pensioner, whose highlight of the day is “el cafelito en la piazza” and is so out of touch with the Gibraltar of today that has come to these misguided conclusions. Or maybe you just DON’T CARE about anyone other than yourself. Que le den ala gente de Gibraltar no?? Demientra tu este bien da iwal no?

    Yo ya tambien paso ya.

    Some people it seems you can never get through to.



  77. Having read the Gibraltar Panorama newspaper of the 8th December 2010 an article written by David Eade
    I concur with his write up 100 percent especially the last paragraph which reads as follows.
    Hence when the Gibraltarians sit down to debate their future. As one day they must. They should perhaps think outside the British Spanish box that seems to encase them. IT COULD BE IN THE ROCK’S STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE THAT GIBRALTAR WILL FIND THE ALLIES TO HELP IT ALONG THE ROAD TO SELF DETERMINATION AND AN INDEPENDENT FUTURE.
    Perhaps Minsters and those in opposition might consider looking elsewhere for support

  78. Kaelan needs to calm down. It is this nationalistic approach that gets society into trouble.

  79. A la pregunta "Where is Gibraltar now?" recuerdo que hace muchos anos se solia decir que Gibraltar estaba "echo una mierda". Por aquel entonces el higiene vial dejaba mucho que desear y los servicios municipales y publicos (me refiero a los '70) habian deteriorado desde la eopca dorada del City Council. Pienso que desde entonces las cosas han mejorado pero todavia hay mucho camino a recorrer para que se pueda decir con total confianza que Gibraltar NO esta hecho una mierda. Es mi humilde opinion.

  80. Kaelan, you epitomise everything that is wrong with the opposition these days.

    You complain about everything, but offer no solution, ideas or policy on anything!

    then if you actually do mention an idea it is as absurd as the idea of introducing a quota or percentage in the private sector. in this day and age, and in a modren free thinking society (which we like to believe we have) such as ours is a nonsense. It goes against every principle of free movement would clearly be deemed discriminatory

  81. Have I stated anything that was not true Anonymous 11:09?

    Is that the best you can do to counter my arguments?

    Can someone please provide me with FACTS that discredit anything I have previously posted? Instead of attempting to TWIST everything I write.

    Gibraltar is first and foremost for the Gibraltarian’s. This I firmly believe and I shall continue to advocate preferential treatment in our land for our people NOW and ALWAYS!

    If you wish to brand me a Nationalistic for it, then so be it!



  82. New Blogger said...

    I will not get into the argument about what Andorra is since after taking time reading its constitution I am now convinced that it is joint sovereignty. Blogger at 01.53 above who has also obviously read the constitution has come to the same conclusion.
    So will all those still on this one move on and I would suggest that trying to argue what Peter said or not said in Seville is immaterial. Peter Cummings said this and was sacking from the GSD. So will the Ministers of the GSD now sack Caruana for having said this in Sevilla??
    I believe not Why because they are earning well over £70,000 a year.
    By the way Maurice Xiberra who has said that he is a GSD member is also asking the same about the current GSD ministers. What do they think?? Where is eg Yvette del Agua who headed the VOGG again a joint sovereignty deal. The fact of the matter is that they are more concerned about keeping power than kepping to their own principles and convictions.

  83. Anonymous said...
    Kaelan needs to calm down. It is this nationalistic approach that gets society into trouble.
    9 DECEMBER 2010 11:09

    Gibraltarians should encourage more young people like Kaelan to participate further in our so called dictatorial democracy, there is nothing wrong being nationalistic, in actual fact it’s a blessing to find young Gibbos taking part in LLANITO WORLD WHO HAVE GIVEN US THE SOLE OPPORTUNITY TO FREELY EXPRESS OUR VIEWS, other writers approach simply agree not to disagree for fear of retaliation from the GSD government and will not say otherwise thus jeopardising their exceptional arrangements. Materialism is what gets our society into trouble.


  84. Reading through this blog and specifically that of 7/12/10 16.45 above where he/she said:

    Given Bossanos 1993 address in the UN and supporting an Andorra solution for Gibraltar whilst also recognising it's independencedo you think that the GSLP will make another statement on their position again? They have so many positions to defend, it's difficult to keep track. Will they be retracting and apologising or are they gonna do a constitution and change their minds again? What will Picardo be posting on Fbook next I wonder?
    it is obvious that this pyschofan of the GSD has not done his/her homework in researching what the GSLP or bossano said or not said but just takes what Caruana says as gospel truths.
    Unfortunately they are so blinded that they will not take the time to do research themselves!!

  85. Anonymous 14:08 thank you for you positive feedback I don’t seem to get much of it on LLW world these days. LOL

    Mr.El Maravilla.

    Here goes nothing……

    Angling Campaign issues-

    (1) Set a LIMIT on the amount of licenses Foreigners (people from outside Gibraltar) can obtain.
    Trata TU un llanito sacarte una licencia en Espania vale? Habe que de dicen.

    (2) Let people fish in the beaches during the winter months. Que mal le dan pordio??

    Favoritism toward Foreigners-

    (1)There are many countries in the world that set QUOTAS on the amount of LOCAL people that SHOULD be employed by each Private Company/Firm. This is even more so the case with countries considered Tax Havens such as Malta and the Isle of Wight. Implement this in Gibraltar also; essentially give our people in OUR land the “upper hand” like it should be.

    Furthermore I ask you to explain to me why it is so wrong to suggest such a thing?

    I just don’t get what is wrong with this. Please do enlighten me as your comments illustrated below perplex me.

    El Maravilla says ….“it is as absurd as the idea of introducing a quota or percentage in the private sector. in this day and age, and in a modren free thinking society (which we like to believe we have) such as ours is a nonsense. It goes against every principle of free movement would clearly be deemed discriminatory”

    After analyzing your statements I have come to the following conclusions:

    You believe foreigners should have the same exact privileges as the LLANITO/A?


    Whilst I treat everyone with respect and as an equal (foreigner or local) I believe those who are native to the land should have more “perks” than those who are not. This is is after all OUR land and well NOT theirs.

    Please note there are many heads of state around the world that think as do I, such as the ones in the aforementioned Malta and Isle of Wight. To put it bluntly ‘Yo no soy el unico tomate que piensa asin’.

    Furthermore this would be deemed discriminatory by whom? It is this type of “Hippie” mentality that has got the UK into the dire mess it is currently in. I think we should learn a lesson from our British friends.

    On a last note the Government of Gibraltar, which just so happens to have been voted into power by the PEOPLE OF GIBRALTAR (lo Locals vamo) should do what BEST suits the interests of these aforementioned people. Or should they not?
    In my eyes at least this seems pretty straight forward.

    It is SAD indeed to see statements such as these being made by a fellow GIBRALTARIAN. ARE you Gibraltarian? hmmmmm



  86. What did Bossano say? Is it true that he was considering Andorra as a solution? Is it true he sent JC Perez to Andorra to look at the possibilities? Are the GSLP for the 2006 constitution now ? Is he going to run for a possible 5th election loss? Does the GSLP have a policy on anything that they can stick to for longer than a week? If they consider the airport too big and infrastructure works too ambitious, do they believe that Gib can actually progress any further? And if not as seems to be implied, would that not suggest that PRC has taken Gib to a socioeconomic level that the GSLP has no capacity to improve on? Is the GSLP the party for No Change?

  87. Estoy de acuerdo con el individuo que escribio al las 12/08. Gibraltar podria ser una joya pero aveces esta hecho (no echo) una mierda. Los que hacen una mierda de Gibraltar son los politicos de turno pero hay que recordar que los paises tienen los gobiernos que se merecen. Esta en las manos de todo Llanito (no janito como ecribio el energumeno de las 14/08)patriota que Gibraltar siempre este a la altura que se merece, o sea en lo mas alto -VIVA GIBRALTAR!!!!!!!!

  88. Kaelan..

    (1) 2 wrongs do not make a right. If we have to amend our policies to counteract everything the Spanish do then where do I start....

    lets start checking every single car that comes into Gib thus creating huge queues for example..??

    (2) I dont know why fishing is not allowed in beaches during winter months so I cant comment. if you tell me a bit more perhaps then I can contirbute.

    (3) Rather than entering into debate on your quota idea I suggest you read the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. your idea of some llanitos having priveleges that others dont have reminds me very much of the "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" approach"!!

    enough said.

  89. Robert but Robert where are you! two days without posting in Llanitoworld is just too much. I hope you are alright and healthy.
    Remember this is a blog which was much needed and where people express opinion with fear of the Big Brother from Convent Place.
    I have just heard that there has been a big follon in the junion! Los del patio chico are incensed at the fact that the union leader have been negotiating with Caruana a deal which should see this department become an agency. The arguement is not whether this department is efficient or not or it should be an agency or not it's about the sell out to the powers at be by the leadership of the Union.
    Remember el Sukh. Yes that guy who was advocating for people basically to vote for the GSD. Well Sukh, Chalie, Victor Ochello y Cabezutto where seen with Caruana concocting the deal at the Rock Hotel.
    The workers feel let down by their union and have shown their anger at the meeting on Friday. GBC ni pio!! Why? 'cos they are bias.
    Watch this space as to what is to happen on Monday with these workers.

  90. Anonymous at 14:56

    Sorry, I am around! It is just that I am away from Gibraltar at work. I know nothing about what you say.

    I am about to write a new peace so relax! LOL

  91. El Maravilla

    (1)Sometimes we need to stand our ground and fight for that which our forefathers also fought for. Sometimes adhering to this ‘eye for an eye’ type of solution is the ONLY solution!
    We have suffered years of victimization from our Spanish neighbours yet you advocate this “get slapped on the cheek, turn the other cheek and surrender” mentality, which makes me wonder where your allegiances lie.

    (2)Scroll up and find my previous postings or research the subject yourself, seeing as you consider yourself to be so smart this should not be an issue. :)

    (3)Quoting phrases from books written by George Orwell might impress other bloggers but not me. To this I counter quote “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” (George Orwell).

    Just because what I preach is perceived as being politically incorrect (what isn’t these days?) does not mean it is wrong. It just means I have the courage to publicly state what everyone else was thinking but was too afraid to say.



  92. Robert you have provided the best intelligence tittle-tattle opportunity Gibraltar has ever had. Gibraltar needs your professional unbiased views and hope you will continue your first-class blog which is the only way Gibraltarians can air their personal views on all issues raised without having to worry about being reprimanded or pigeonholed by the powers that be.
    AMIGO, please keep your indispensable blog going.

  93. !704

    Thank you I intend to but I hope the support is there if I need it. The pressure increases!

  94. El niño K que se ha creido que esta en las montanas al rededo de la Havana con Fidel y Che? Listen boy, do you have
    any idea what you speak of? You have absolutely no concept of how fortunate you are to have the security and stability that you so enjoy today and which is uncomparable in most societies around the world. Grow up and get real!

  95. Anonymous 17:51

    Eres typico GSD aficionado, que te cres que lo sabes todo.

    Nama por que soy un "ninio" como dices tu, no significa que no se de lo que hablo.

    El mundo no solo es para los viejos sabe? Tambien es para los jovenes. Nosotros y no tu somos el futuro de Gibraltar.

    Furthermore I do indeed consider myself fortunate to live in the Gibraltar of today. This though does not retract from the fact that there still ARE issues that need to be addressed.

    Can't you people do any better than this? I am starting to get bored. lolololol



  96. Ghost says:
    Part I

    It's curious to read threw some of the thoughts of those who have posted ideas on the state of Gibraltar now. However, returning to Roberts original post, he seems of the opinion that for now and notwithstanding his well argued and weighted arguments on further aspirations of self government and or constitutional changes, we the Gibraltarians enjoy a secure status and certainly one which supersedes any other previous status, I quote with your permission:

    “Thankfully all this actually leaves Gibraltar in a place where I believe most want it to be. We are able to legislate and govern ourselves without interference, so long as our Parliament and government do not transgress the requirement that it be ".... for the order, peace and good government of Gibraltar ..." If there is any attempt to transgress these limitations we have the safeguard that the UK as power to interfere or more appropriately the courts can be requested to consider the circumstances. Additionally the UK is responsible and obligated to look after our external affairs and security with the safeguard that there will be no change in British sovereignty without our consent.”

    So I think we can all agree that not only is Gibraltar safer than ever, we also have constitutional guarantees from Britain. This in itself is a giant leap from the bilateral days where recognition of our rights as a people was a tough ask to say the least. Given that the opposition and the GSD are now in a consensus in that our new constitution offers us the full protection that we require, one might argue that the simple answer to the question and title leading the blog is: “Safe” ! Having considered our recent history prior to 2006, one might also be forgiven for suggesting that we have achieved something relatively unimaginable only a decade ago.

  97. PartII

    There are two elements that I personally consider crucial to our future, one was underpinned and began in 2006, the other must / has to be our strong socioeconomic independence, without which would render us exposed and weak. This is the case with many economies, not least Ireland in that her own sovereignty is effectively undermined by economic constraints and where she is forced to swallow the impositions of her European partners; Spain may well find herself in this threatening circumstance in the not too distant future.
    I support my analysis of a strong economy given the record low unemployment in comparison to most economies around the world, the non-existent bank repossessions (bar Marrache portfolio of course) that our property market enjoys, the number of owner occupiers of homes on the Rock (45%+), no social unrest, few or no business bankruptcies, GDP growth of 6% this year with 8% and 12% in previous years respectively and outperforming most other countries, bar China and India (I think). Governments all over the globe to reaffirm the stability of their respective nations often use these examples.

    The above would have unlikely been achieved if our society had been driven by a protectionist philosophy, which may well feed the national ego, but which in the long term as proven in many other societies has led to socioeconomic unrest and the threat to a nations survival. I say this because there are suggestions in various posts that we ought to retreat to a position which has proved discriminatory and has no place in modern democracies.

    I am by no means suggesting that we live in utopia; far from it, but our freedoms and standard of living, security and stability, cultural and educational successes are surely a testament to the lives that we all lead.

    We are a hugely political and opinionated society, factors that have proved beneficial to our survival under threat. We have a political dilemma, almost unheard of in other democracies, that being the government by the same party with the same leader for four terms and the prospect of a 5th. This goes against our very finely tuned democratic instinct. It is also unheard of to have such leadership where there are no major factors affecting political sway that give way to changes of Govt; such as recession / high taxation / social unrest and other circumstances that affect nations and may well affect us in years to come.

    A change of Govt is normally stimulated by the very dramatic changes I refer to and often reach a climax when it affects our personal pocket, or where there are social / religious forces at play, we see these very circumstances happen all the time. It seems that LW has created a monster (I say this with admiration and appreciation) which at present is gearing up for an election which some expect earlier rather than later.

  98. Part III
    Which way will it go and for what reasons might we see change or not. Caruana has led for too long, but some might argue offered success economically with political security. Bossano has offered only four election losses and some may argue has offered no opposition, resulting in a democratic deficit to the community. Picardo is the only other dimension that provides freshness; however is he tainted by the very fact that in his quest to be leader he, has actually shown no leadership at all, given that he has stood by and watched his party loose three elections whilst being the great pretender to the thrown, what does this say about him?

    Is Picardos approach in trying to make Andorra the issue of contest at the next election the wise move and has he gone too early with the attack? Its a risky strategy given that one of the recognized and biggest success' of the GSD Govt and PRC has been the relentless defense of the Rock. The seville forum is proof of this in itself.

    After 16 years though, one would surely expect the opposition to be well ahead in the game and this seems not to be the case, although I do not believe the recent poll to be accurate........................ I think interesting times are ahead.


  99. Ghost
    We need a change of Government because your leader is becoming arrogant, complacent and what is more dangerous dictatorial. His intervention in Sevilla is just but an example.

  100. I have heard that now the other candidate in the GSD is Benzaquen!! Apparently he is very close to the GSD and he also is contracted by the government draft out laws. One thing he used to do as a civil servant. WHAO!!

  101. Ghost says;

    Anon 19:49 are you serious ? or are you mistakingly talking about Joe Bossano....arrogance? who is more arrogant an individual who wins four elections or one who looses and continues at the helm?

    I won't even touch on complacency and dictatorial.....


  102. LW your arguments are good, as good as one would expect from a good lawyer but it is quite clear and obvious to the neutral reader that the one common thread which runs through all your good arguments is your anti-Caruana sentiment. Now why would this be? And don't give me any BS about democratic defecit etc as your excuse!

  103. A N Other

    Do not attribute to me the the sentiments of other commentators. I give my views. I have been critical of other politicians as well as Caruana. I have also praised Caruana as I have other politicians.

  104. A N Other

    The only common thread seen in this blog is that of the CM supporters 'tactics', which seem to revolve around twisting everyone else’s words.

  105. LW is getting into Ground Hog Day mode - the same arguments, counter-argumants, hissy fits and self satisfied stuff is repeated time and time gain. Suggested new topic: Is Gibraltar becoming a violent society? Are we losing our civic pride?

  106. LW are you now taking advice on publishing matters related to pending legal battled of a known member of the opposition? Where is the pressure you mention coming from?

  107. No I am not taking any legal advice.

    A well known member of the opposition speaks to me without any problem.







  110. And an incompetent GSD Government with pychofans who will twist and turn everything to suit Caruana.
    Happy Xmas And a hope new year with a new government.
