Sunday, 9 May 2010

Change for the Sake of Change?

In a few earlier blogs and comments, I have suggested that Gibraltar is ready for a change of government.  The reason that I have put forward in support of this view is that  Peter Caruana has become bigger than the electorate. It is worth exploring available options but, before I become the subject of criticism on this point, I do not suggest that I have covered all possible options.

I have suggested ("The Quest for Good Governance") that change could come about by a reform of  the electoral system. Such reform is not on the cards and so is improbable before the next election.

Before exploring other options, let me dispel some assumptions made about me, for example, I have been accused by several commentators that I am anti-GSD (if there is a party beyond Peter Caruana) and pro-GSLP/libs.  First, I do not belong to any party.  I was, about 20 years ago, a member of the GSLP.  During their second term of office the GSLP behaved generally in an undemocratic fashion, exemplified at a personal level by its treatment of my law firm, Triay & Triay. I gave up my membership the GSLP at that time. Since then, I have remained independent of any political party.  This reigns true to the present day.  With this independence comes the freedom to explore options.

The available alternatives are limited, so my having come to the conclusion that Peter Caruana has grown larger than the electorate, what are the available choices or the choices that may become available for someone like me (and I believe that I am not alone in having to look for alternatives)?

If the GSD exists as a party at all beyond what Peter Caruana thinks, says and does, they could improve their chances by making acceptable changes within the party and offering the electorate a renewed GSD.  One suggestion is that they should retrace their history and revert to their democratic roots, for example, by  ridding themselves of those wrong practices that they so vociferously criticised the previous GSLP administration for adopting.  I suggest that they read their own early manifestos and remind themselves of the fundamental promises they made to Gibraltar in this regard. If they do that, they may not even have to substitute Peter Caruana as leader.  The difficulty of not doing so, however,  is that they will have to climb a high mountain to convince many disaffected voters that there really has been a return by the GSD to its democratic roots.

In the absence of change within the GSD, the only two alternative parties offering themselves for election are the GSLP/Libs or the PDP as discussed in greater detail in an earlier blog ("GSD Supporters Mutiny") .  The PDP are shown in recent polls not to be making any headway.  If that remains the case, which is likely, then the only feasible alternative (in the absence of internal fundamental and not merely cosmetic changes within the GSD) to ensure a change is vote for the GSLP/Libs.  They have a critical core of voters that makes it credible that they can get elected if there is small swing in voting patterns.  Two main changes will improve their chances, first Joe Bossano standing for election but not as party leader.  Second, if Fabian Picardo does take over as leader, an effort by him to disavow the public of a perception that he is not suitable for the post of Chief Minister.

There are other options.  A new party coming to the fore.  The likelihood of this is minimal in the time available between now and the next election.  Even if one were to come about its chances of election success can only be measured by comparison with those of the PDP.  What could be considered but would require a massive campaign starting very soon and, even in those circumstances with a very small chance of success, is for voters to be persuaded to split their vote by voting for the best candidates irrespective of their party allegiances.  this would result in a hung Parliament, which would be a major catalyst for parliamentary and electoral reform.  It is what is happening in the UK.  We yet have to see how revolutionary any reforms that come of it in the UK really are.  These are interesting times in the UK, which could be replicated in Gibraltar.


  1. Commentarist says: If Peter Caruana "has become bigger than the electorate" it is in his head and because he is surrounded by an army of toe rags who make a lot of money from being in the Government's favoured contractor list be it terms of tenders, construction, legal and other services etc. You are indeed an exception in having the courage to put at risk your firm's income from government work etc by standing up to "the Bully of No.6". Talking of heads, it may encouarge you to hear that a recent survey in the UK press shows that the electorate always rejects bald politicians (IDS, Haig, Kinnock, Howard and a long etc spanning all countries and to the depths of history). I note that PRC's cross over hairstyle now cannot hide his alopecia so his days in power are well and truly numbered. Interestingly Montegriffo, Feetham, Picardo and Azzopardi all have fine manes...

  2. To Commentarist:

    I believe in freedoms. Freedom of speech is a fudamental freedom. It must be defended at any personal cost. That said I am certain that Peter Caruana can be distinguished from the previous GSLP administrtion because he defends these freedoms still whilst disagreeing. He will not punish my firm or me as suggested by you. If he does it is a price that needs to be paid to safeguard democracy.

  3. Anon 0850- It now seems likely that Mr Brown is to be ousted from 10 Downing Street. Could it be that he is wearing a hair piece?

    Seriously though, in my view, I think that you make a valid point LW. Local voters would do well to vote for the best candidates regardless of party. The traditional block vote will not bring about the root and branch reform that I think Gibraltar's Parliament and citizens would benefit from.

    You are right in saying that there is insufficient time (or indeed political will by the main parties) to change the current system to allow a cabinet style of Government along the lines of what you suggested in your previous blog. That is not to say that this idea will not snowball in the fullness of time as more people come to realise its advantages over the current system.

    A block vote for a particular party is only effective when all of its candidates genuinely have something to offer the electorate. I'm not sure that you could say that about any of the political parties at the moment.

    I suspect that it will take some time for the local electorate to adopt a split vote approach. This is unless one or more of the main parties advocate such an approach by emphasising that it would actually likely give Gibraltar a stronger, more democratic Parliament than the one we have now.

    This approach would be rather selfless on the behalf of the parties but then isn't that why people should want to get into politics in the first place?

  4. Is there a current party worth belonging to? You are not alone!

    GSD? ......

    Old GSD -(with democratic roots?)Plausible?

    New GSD -(change of cosmetics ... denitely needed ... good move on their part ... )but with more masterminds and same principles?

    PDP? One man party?

    GSLP/LIB - in need for change too?

    Change is definitely needed!!

  5. Abogadillo says: How is government legal work allocated? It does not seem to go to tender and the same people always get it. I am only a new lawyer and poor and could do with some government legal work? How do you go about getting it? An old lawyer who I visited on a courtesy call recently when I asked this very question he went the colour puce and threw me out of his Chambers. Someone told me that the trick is to be in Caurana's good books but if you want to attack him politically to get one's partners to brown nose him (i.e. the old el bueno & el malo trick). Please tell me LW that this is not true. I have a high regard for the honesty, integrity and propriety of my new profession and could not stand being told that it is full of what the first contributor called TOE RAGS.

  6. I'm not sure we are ready (or need) a change of government.
    What we are read for (and need) is a change of Chief Minister.

  7. LlW

    The CM will not punish T&T because he may have to return there to work some time next year. Why would be want to bite the hand that has fed him in the past and will feed him in the future?


    "honesty, integrity and propriety of my new profession"? Are you kidding? Are you not following the high-profile case of one of the larger local law firms whose senior partners and finance director are in remand? Are you not aware that the Income Tax Office is gunning for lawyers doing international work who, according to the Principal Auditor, earn hundreds of thousands but allegedly only declare tens of thousands (mostly paid offshore)? I could go on.

  8. Abogadillo

    LW’s advice is bang on. You cannot storm in and expect work to fall onto your lap (you have to earn your stripes). However, I am not sure that I agree with the comment that there are lots and better opportunities now. In my view there are too many lawyers at a time when there is a global financial meltdown and firms are making it more difficult (or onerous) for juniors to obtain partnership.

    Anyway, I do not think that LW will be all too pleased if this blog transcends into a legal chat room.

    So back to politics. The sad reality is that whilst Gibraltar may need a change, there is no obvious alternative. This is why we are all seeking answers and engaging in speculative talk as to whether P Montergriffo etc would come back.

    However, I am starting to get a feeling that this blog may be the catalyst for REAL change. Perhaps a non partisan pressure group could be formed to convince the electorate not to BLOCK VOTE. Who knows we may end up with the most worthy candidates having to form an alliance of sorts.

  9. Hi M.A.

    On your reason for Peter Caruana not "punishing" T & T: you know things that have not even been discussed. You may recall that he had left T & T more than 18 months before he was first elected C.M.

    You should not brush the entire legal profession by the investigation in process into the affairs of one firm, whose partners remain innocent until proven otherwise. If there are any improprieties by other firms or their partners (including in management of their tax affairs), I am not aware that there are, let each one face the authorities in accordance with the law.

    Hi Abogadillo:

    I do not know how government work is allocated. I would not know why any lawyer would go puce if asked.

    Personally I live my life as I feel that I should. I am prepared to face the consequences of what I do and say, despite that M.A. suggests that I am somehow protected, which is not so.

    The best advice I ever received when I first became a lawyer (it was given to me by a then senior lawyer who is still in practice) is that a house must be built from the foundations and not the roof.

    A professional is made more by experience than by education and qualification. Start building your house (reputation) and the work will follow. There is a lot more work (and more opportunities) about now than when I started in the closed frontier days.

    Expertise in specialist areas where there is demand or where demand can be created is one method. Check out what other finance centres are doing. Learn it, become expert at it and then go out and attract this work to Gibraltar.

  10. Cruz I like you idea of a non partisan pressure group to convince the electorate not to BLOCK VOTE. Count me in. Maybe LW can take the lead.

  11. Hi Cruz and Grammarian:

    I will think carefully about a pressure group. One problem is i do not know who anyone is!

    If I go for the idea, I shall simply invite people to a meeting at a venue and specific time ... and see who turns up.

  12. LW I will reveal myself to you at the meeting.

  13. The only way that it would work is if the group is neutral and the activists are not essentially would-be political candidates.

    The electorate would listen if it is not a quasi-political fringe group or an obvious political platform for opportunists but mere citizens concerned with the fairer representation of it by its politicians.

  14. I think what Abogadillo was saying is that to get goernment legal woirk you need to curry faour with Carana (or get a partner to brown nose the goernment) and that if you do neither you could be Lord Denning resurrected and still no chance of a brief. I think tnat the young lawyer is more astute than most on this Blog.

  15. Dear LW,

    Are you saying that we should vote for the GSLP only because the current incumbent is bigger than the electorate? One ought to vote for a party based on the beliefs forwarded by that party, not by default (there isn't anyone else) Shouldn't the GSLP's politics be looked at first? I believe that the PDP's politics are pretty sound, but you pass them off solely because they have not done well in the pre election polls.

    I think that your idea of voting for the GSLP solely to get rid of Caruana would be reasonable for somewhere like Zimbabwe where anyone would be better than Mugabe.

  16. Cruz, get real. Politics in Gib is all about legal fees and finacial kickbacks. Were you born yesterday?

  17. Hi Cruz- I think that such a pressure group would work even if its members included those of different political persuasions. What better way to demonstrate to the electorate that its message of "non block voting" is in the greater public interest?

  18. Hi Orwell:

    You said it ... Zimbabwe!

    ... and on policies and beliefs, yes but to an extent, namely, to the extent that you believe they will be given effect to. Unless there is a change in the GSD, we get what is in the mind of one person ... are you a mind reader?

    Additionally, I discuss alternatives. I do not suggest that anyone should vote for any particular party. Each one will decide pragmatically on manifesto promises and emotionally on political leanings.

    Unfortunately the PDP do not provide an electoral alternative to the GSD, same as the liberals in the UK. At the last election they could not muster a full slate of candidates. They can be considered, if they do this time but the reality is that they will simply let the GSLP slip in with less than a 50% vote.

  19. Llanito World

    Am not sure what you meant by this: "On your reason for Peter Caruana not punishing T & T: you know things that have not even been discussed." Thought everyone knew that PC used to work at T&T and may have to work there again if he loses next year's election (although the talk about town is that TSN now seems more likely).

    Anonymous 00.11

    You said: "Politics in Gib is all about legal fees and financial kickbacks." Don't know whether or not that is still the case but Dom Searle has asserted on more than one occasion that Gibraltar is a "barristocracy" so the legal profession is in the spotlight, particularly in light of the case in process of one of the largest law firms, whose senior partners in remand, and the alleged rampant tax evasion by senior lawyers (Principal Auditors annual reports) who earn hundreds of thousands paid offshore but allegedly only declare tens of thousands here in Gib.

    Just think how much more money would flow into the public coffers if they all declared all of their worldwide earnings, in accordance with our income tax law.

    Sure, we've signed 18 tax information exchange agreements with other countries but that doesn't make us whiter than white. The flow of information will only be one way.

    Finally, yes I think that calling a public meeting of an emergent non-political pressure group is a good idea.

  20. Hiya L.World, I am surprised that you do not know how government legal work is allocated. When I bought my flat Waterport terraces last year your firm were the government's lawyers and I am told that they also do all the transactions of Cumberland Terraces, Nelsons and Bayview. Surely you know how you got this work which by my estimate is hundreds of transactions.The young legal bagle Abogadillo seens to be on to something and is entitled to an answer and must be worth a lot of legal fees. If there are any other lawyers in this forum can they tell us. Abogadillo it seems to me that you are a bit too ambitious but then again the lack of clarity on how and why milions of pounds of public money ispaid to lawyers needs to be clarified.

  21. To M.A.

    I mean things that have not been discussed by the parties that you refer to.

    To Anonymous at 10:57:

    Yes you are factually correct save that my firm is instructed by a government owned company save the perceived level of fees, which is a matter that I cannot (for professional ethics reasons)and would not, in any event discuss here.

    The manner in which work is allocated is the issue. My statement as to not knowing how such work is allocated is accurate and true. It is a question that only the government can answer.

    I would just like to say that this issue has nothing at all to do with the blog on which comments are invited. I did not want to let it go unanswerd, so as not to be accused of not confronting the issue but all further comments on the issue of allocation and quantum paid for legal work will be moderated out.

    To Abogadillo:

    There is nothing to prevent you from approaching the relevant authorities at 6 convent Place and seeking to be considered for allocation of Government work.

  22. Abogaillo

    You're working for a law firm and not on your own, surely. Why not approach the partners suggest to them how new work, including bidding for Government work as suggested by Llanito World, can be created.

    It is possible that reality is not quite living up to expectations. In the past lawyers have made vast amounts of money but times are tougher now and there is a glut of lawyers.

    Those already at the top still make good money but in a small town of only 28,000 people where there are now many more lawyers than taxi drivers, senior lawyers at the top are not likely to allow too many to climb up the totem pole - lest it topple.

    But just think how lucky you are to be here where at least you have some work and no doubt a reasonably comfortable living, and not over the border where unemployment is rife.

  23. LW you stated the following: "Unfortunately the PDP do not provide an electoral alternative to the GSD, same as the liberals in the UK. At the last election they could not muster a full slate of candidates. They can be considered, if they do this time but the reality is that they will simply let the GSLP slip in with less than a 50% vote."
    What you said is true of the 2007 Election but the PDP will muster a full slate of 10 at the next elections. Add that to the fact they are consistent with press releases, policies and positive solutions. Any one who follows politics will be reading these press releases and newsletters and come election time, when everyone becomes even more alert, many people will make their minds up based on the manifestos and TV debates. Don't fall into the trap of comparing the UK and its age-old 2 party system with Gibraltar, it wasn't that long ago that Peter Caruana was an inexperienced politician heading an unheard-of fledgling party. Look what happened.....

  24. I agree with Rebecca you are creating a false dilemma. Bifurcation is not the way.

    However I do believe that it is an awful shame that Charles Gomez has not carried on with politics. I remember him doing rather well last time round. I'm sure that had he carried on and mustered a full slate he would have been a force to be reckoned with, and indeed you yourself LW would probably not be in the position of writing an article where you express the view that the GSLP should be voted in by default and not by their merits.

  25. To Rebecca and Orwell:

    I do not recommend that anyone votes for any party. I simply analyse issue as I see them. I respect both your views but beg to differ.

    I do not express the view that the GSLP should be voted in by default and not by reason of their merits.

    I express the view that absent fundamental and credible change within the GSD the only real alternative is the GSLP. By definition if there is no change, as suggested, within the GSD a vote for them would not be on their merits but by default.

  26. Brown Cow says

    Rebecca - the PDP are (in the main) just like our other opposition parties. Many press releases and no action. People like to see real action and real policies - that's what gets respect. Parties that just complain about Government failings - people don't even read that crap they are so bored of it.

    There is proof of this in the PDPs poll results in the Chronicle Poll. Where the PDP had taken up an issue and really fought it (Rosia tanks) people immediately connected with that - hence better ratings in the Rosia area.

    But in the main the PDP just issues "told you so" or "we would be better" style press releases (quicker than the official opposition do granted). Its boring, and frankly anybody with a few spare minutes can do it.

    On presenting a full slate - you have to be honest with yourself Rebecca (I am assuming you're part of the PDP here but I could be wrong) - what you need is a good slate - ideally of 10. But if you could present 5 decent strong candidates others would follow, and getting a good 10 candidates wouldn't be so tough. The truth is that at the moment you don't have a good slate, so it doesn't really matter if its 10 or not. I mean I can't remember the names of all the guys that you presented last time round (that in itself says something surely). But what I do know is that the only guys you seem to hear from are Gafan and Gigi Sene (and Azzo obviously).

    In my view nobody is going to stick their neck out for you cause they don't think you have a cats chance in hell of getting in. Its a catch 22.

    Right now you have a good guy - Keith. Bit sullen but generally liked and generally considered intelligent, capable and a potential chief minister. Everyone else is like - so what. That's the truth (in my opinion). I reckon you need 4 more Keiths.

    So here is the plan. Get into bed with some disgruntled other individuals. Would be great if you could get Feetham and Gilbert Licudi on board I think. Then you would start to roll. But it would never happen really would it. Egos, baggage, egos, baggage.

    Oh and also - get a bit more Rosia Tanks

  27. In my opinion the GSD still has great potential if only Peter Caruana could just ease up a little. With a little bit of planning it can again be at the forefront of politics. There is no real reason why Peter Montegriffo and Keith Azzopardi should not be recalled (Mr. Montegriffo it will be remembered founded the party after all and Keith Azopardi's qualities are wasted in the PDP). Daniel Feetham is another strong element. Together with Peter Caruana they would form a team which the GSLP would stand no chance against.

    I do not agree with Orwell that Charles Gomez should be in party politics. He is too much of an independent and original thinker and if he gets into Parliament it would benefit Gibraltar that he does so as an independent not tied to party rules. I voted for him last time round because he comes across as a highly articulate and patriotic Gibraltarian. His performance in the election debates made for top quality Tv! Shame he cann not using his skills in Parliamant now.

  28. There are two ways a General Election can go... Either a Government gradually succumbs to general antipathy (New Labour 2010) or an Opposition party is voted in to Government on the back of a landslide surge in popular support (New Labour 1997, GSD 1996, GSLP 1988).

    I tend to agree with Brown Cow's assessment in that the PDP has an uphill struggle to get popular recognition. There just isn't the ground swell of support for the PDP in the run up to the next election that either the GSLP or GSD enjoyed before their first terms.

    The most recent Chronicle poll would suggest that late term disenchantment with the GSD Government have taken hold in Gib but it remains to be seen what happens during the run in to the election. I think that a campaign for a split voting approach could well change things rather dramatically. It would have to start soon though for sufficient notice to be taken of it.

  29. HI Brown Cow

    Could not agree more with you regarding the PDP. Frankly they need a stronger team if they want to get anywhere. Rebecca attempted to make a comparison with the GSD when first elected. There is no comparison in my view as the GSD was full of heavy weights. If I am not mistaken these included...P Caruana, F Vasquez, J Netto, P Montegriffo, B Linares and of course K Azzopardi compared to todays PDP who have as a heavy weights er....K Azzopardi

    Also as a third (and very distant third)... one would expect them to be much more active (not just sending press releases from time to time).

  30. I am content that most agree with my comment of starting a pressure group to split votes and in particular that LW will look into arranging this. It would be interesting if the likes of PC, FP, KA, DF, GL and possibly PM had to form some sort of coalition

  31. Honney Bee says...


    I`m afraid I don`t agree with your (and some other) assesment/s regarding the pdp`s comparison to the gsd. Surely it`s about policies and substance and not what standing "heavy weights"- as you call them - already had within the community. What makes them better candidates than any of the pdp`s line-up ?

    I`ve said this before and I`ll say it again - both the gslp and the gsd were once third parties who progressed on to opposition and then happened to be fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time - Brussles and the fast launches.

    The pdp are the only party who in their manifesto at the last election were committed to parliamentary and electoral reform - something which seems to be very prominent now. I haven`t seen either of the other two parties pushing for greater enhanced democracy ( with any real resolve ) in the way Gibraltar is governed - it`s all about keeping the status quo and frankly I`m a bit tired of the same old news.

    The truth is that we appear to have come full circle since `96 and much of the promise of better government and transparency and accountability has either fallen by the way side - or never actually happened. And since I haven`t heard any different from the gslp I can only assume that much of the above does not fare very high on their priorities list either.

    Politicians on either side of the House and for that matter, our parliamentary/electoral system need a good shaking up - and the only party who appear to be offering that are the pdp.

    They`ve definately got my vote !

  32. I agree with Cruz that we should be considering policies and track records. If we only regurgitate lists of people we are just playing games. For e.g. Gilbert Licudi is often rated as a GSLP star. GL has been in parliament for years but can any one recall anything of importance that he has said or done? All I remember is him once comlaining about the traffic situation and a couple of times when he has had a bruising from Peter Caruana in parliamentary debates. As I say I choose Gilbert only as an illustration of my point that as an electorate we set our sights too low and the result is poor representation of the people. I mentioned Charles Gomez yesterday. I remember that in a Tv debate before the last election he warned of the OEM problem before it blew up. He showed a copy of an agreement where Government had given OEM a discount of £3,000,000 on a tender. That is the sort of action that is needed of an opposition in a sophisticated community but which we do not see from any of the politicians now expected to run for election. Now my question is if a pressure group is set up to split the vote how will that improve the quality of Government and opposition? Should we not be focussing on the performances of individual elected politicians to shame them, so to speak, into getting their acts together?

  33. Its all very well for commentators to reveal their support for one party or another, noticeably it is predominantly for the PDP, but if they do not reveal their identity readers must suspect that they are either potential candidates or members of the executive of the party that they support. Thus the comment loses force.

    Think about it. If you state support for a party or indiviual, say who you are, otherwise the comment must remain suspect.

  34. Brown Cow says "the only guys you seem to hear from are Gafan and Gigi Sene (and Azzo obviously)".

    First, 'Azopardi' or 'Azo' has just one 'z'.

    Second, why has the PDP Deputy Leader Nick gone all quiet since last years. Has he given up on the PDP? Is he warming to the GSD again?

  35. Anonymous, your reference to Gilbert Licudi says he has been in Parliament "for years", he has not. GL has only been there since late 2007. He's been in the GSLP "for years".

    I quite like GL from what I have seen of him on TV debates etc, he seems very measured and approachable. I am not interested in politicians who are able to sustain a ridiculous cat-fight with the CM in our parliament. Politics is not about that, I want Ministers who are capable of running a ministry; people who forgo all that "you-did-that-ten-years-ago" nonsense and just get on with the job in hand. Being elected is basically a temporary 4-year job and those people who have the privilege of serving the electorate need to remember this.

    Why do people here keep wheeling out names of the so-called 'political stars and heavyweights', it is so X-factorish it's vile! Tell us what the following have done to date that is so great that we need them to form one line up and run Gibraltar:

    Peter Montegriffo?
    Danny Feetham?
    Fabian Picardo?

    DF is a newbie minister and therefore needs time to prove himself so I'll give him a second chance. Same goes for FP who has never been a minister or a party leader. PM had his bite of the cherry back in the 90s and now seems disinterested; the last thing Gibraltar needs is disinterested politicians.

    Llanito World, nobody here is saying who they are; who are you?? I think it is best to let people be anonymous if the want to be otherwise the debate may dwindle...

  36. LW,

    Discrediting an opinion based on the uncertainty of the author? Surely thats an ad hominem argument?
    Or even better I do believe that this is an Ad Hominem tu quoque.

    People don't need to have a vested interest to believe in the PDP's politics.

    Also Re: Anonymous 09:15

    I agree whole heartedly, you could not have said it better!

  37. I agree with Rebecca that Gilbert Licudi seems like a measured and approachable type. But he has been in the opposition benches for more that 1/2 of this legislature and although to his credit he has not indulged in cat fights (but has been mauled by Peter CaruanA on many occasions), it is not clear what Gilbert does in oposition. I hope that I am wrong but it seems to me that GL's measured tones might hide a lack of imagination. Gilbert is not a young man so I worry about the amount of time that Rebecca is willing to allow people in parliament to find their feet. The thought of Danny Feetham as a "newbie" who needs more time to prove himself is absurd. He has already proved himself to be a prodigious holder of the Ministry of Justice and clearly has the ability to lead any ministry. Also to be fair Peter Montegriffo has not said that he would return to politics it is just armchair commentators with little else to do who say he would be good in their "dream team" but the fact is that when Montegriffo was in Government he was a great success - the bite of the cherry comment is inapproriate.

  38. Hi Rebecca:

    I am Robert Vasquez as revealed in my profile and on the facebook page by me a couple of weeks ago.

    Hi Orwell:

    I beleive my reply to Rebecca also answers the "ad Hominem tu quoque" accusation also.

    As to the accusation that I am deploying an "ad Hominem" argument in my comment at 10.30, you again chosse to dissmble, afavourite but deplorable debating tactic. The point that i make is that if someone identifies with a party closely and he does not reveal that conflict of ineterest, then any comment is subject to some element of suspicion and doubt.

  39. In reply to Gibcrier who said on the 9th May 16:25 that
    "I'm not sure we are ready (or need) a change of government.
    What we are read for (and need) is a change of Chief Minister."

    Dont be naive Sir, the chief minister is the government!

  40. Thanks LW, now I know! Since it's out-of-the-closet time I am Rebecca Faller and yes, I admit it, I closely identify with the PDP!!!

    Anon. I don't know how old Gilbert is but he looks as though he is still in his forties and therefore is not old at all, especially not in political terms. We are not trying to set up a Premiership football team here but a Government. If they are too young they don't have any life experience and have no empathy with their electorate.

    Time will tell if Danny Feetham is as good as you applaud him to be, I daren't make any rash judgements on him yet as I do still think he has to prove himself; I am quite certain he would agree with me.

    Anyway, how does one equate a 'successful' Minister? Because he never rocked any boats? Because he made radical changes for the better good of Gibraltar? Because he was nice?

  41. Isn't that still ad hominem? I point your attention to wikipedia for the definition and an example of an ad hominem attack.

    "an attempt to persuade which links the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise"

    And Ad Hominem tu quoque still stands because I could say I amm Nick Griffin, however that doesn't mean that I am who I say I am.

    I suppose I would believe that you are Robert Vasquez (?) if he were to come out on, your favourtie impartial news channel, GBC and say that he is Llanito world the author of this blog.

    For all I know (ad hominem) you could be Joe Bossano or any other GSLP politician trying to pursuade your readers to vote GSLP.

  42. Hi Rebecca:

    I had already guessed it was you!

    Hi Orwell:

    I do not want to enter into a semantic argument with you, especially on the meaning of latin phrases.

    For the record (right or wrong) the definition I have followed for:

    "ad hominem" is "appealing to personal prejudices rather than to reason; attacing an opponent's character rather than the opponent's assertions." I do neither, i simply suggest that opinions are often coloured by allegiances, which if unknown does not allow for a political (and so subjective) staement to be assessed.

    and for "ad hominem tu quoque" is "... concluding that a person's claim is false because ... what a person says is inconsistent with his/her actions."

    Believe what you will as to the identity of the writer of this blog. You could telephone him and ask him. His work and home number are both in the telephone book but there again you may not wish to do that as it involves you identifying yoursel ... and it may be that you are ... CHARLES GOMEZ?

  43. Orwell has made mince meat of LW! You must be a top court lawyer Orwell or if not you should take it up! Chapeau! Bravo! Careful though LW is likely to moderate you out! LOL!

    The problem with LW is that he ascribes only the worst motives to those who he does not agree with him. In this he reminds me of Peter Caruana!

    He needs to learn that we are not all slaves to the politicians.

    Hi Rebecca: I think that Daniel Feetham's record in law reform and the updating of the Courts' service in the last 30 months is an outstanding feat for which I do not hesitate to praise him. His stance on the age of consent issue shows that he is not shy of confrontation with the Chief Minister. He is head and shoulders above most other politicians and your friends Gilbert and Fabian would do well to emulate him.

    As to Gilbert's apparent youth, I think that he is 50 and therfore much older than Peter Caruana when he became CM, slightly older than Joe Bossano when he became CM and many years older than Barak Obama, Cameron or Clegg or Blair when he was became PM, etc etc: so what is young Gilbert waiting for?

  44. So Orwell is Charles Gomez! Well done Charlie Boy you show why Latin should not have been taken out of the school curriculum!

  45. Llanito World said...
    to anonymous at 17.24:

    It may be that Orwell has made mince meat of me, that is for others to judge not me but such comments really only take the debate to a level that I had hoped to be able to avoid. In that regard I respect most other commentators who keep the debate at a a high level of dicussion. One great difference between me and Peter Caruana ( and there are many) is that he is Chief Minister and I am not and at present I have no aspirations in electoral politics.

    I have not ascribed any motives good or bad to anyone. All I have suggested is that if people reveal their identities, then more credibility may attach to their comments as then they can be interpreted in context of any conflicts of interest. Great respect for Rebecca Faller for having done so.

    To anonymous at 17.31:

    ... I make no definitive statement that Charles Gomez is Orwell ... this is purely a retort to the suggestion by Orwell that i might be Joe bosaano or any other GSLP politician.

    And I am old enough to have Latin "O" level with a high grade ... LOL

  46. You are losing me now LW. Is Orwell Charles Gomez or is n't he? It seems to me that you are getting into a bit of a muddle. I will phone Charles tomorrow to find out. When you started this Blog you kept anonymity and now you say that you do not respect anonymous contributors. Is Schizophrenia a Latin word?

  47. I don't see that anyone has made mincemeat of LW. However, is it correct to say that Peter Caruana doesn't punish those who disagree with him? Is the withdrawal of government advertising from newspapers hostile to his party not an example of such punishment? As for the allocaiton of government work between law firms, I am happy to accept that LW doesn't know how it is done, but that itself is indicative of a problem. There should be a formal process, which should be transparent.

  48. Plato says:
    Dear anonymous above (18.13)
    LW is merely stating that all the 'anonymi' would be more credible if they declared who they are. He is not saying that he does not respect anonymous posters. Please read carefully. You are just like me. At this present moment in time, we have no wish to declare who we are, for whatever reason. At least identify yourself with an 'alias' so that we can refer to your 'alias' comments.

    Time will tell who is who.

  49. I have been mulling over how to reply to you ANONYMOUS at 18.13.

    I could assume that you are simply taking the mickey and laugh.

    I could assume that you are being serious and go down to your level and suggest that you lack comprehension (see Plato's comment above) which gives rise to your inanities.

    I could assume that you are simply insulting because you just want to be destructive of this blog.

    After not too much thought, because the issue does not deserve too much, I have concluded that publishing your comments is probably the best publicity to attract more readers and comments to my blog, for which THANK YOU.

    After all the more readers the better as different views will be disseminated to a wider audience.

    It will also give you the opportunity to reveal your identity (if you wish) rather than insult me whilst in cowardly fashion hiding behind anonymity.

  50. I thought Charles Gomez was 'Carlito', not 'Orwell'. But who is 'Cruz'? Surely not the PDP Deputy Leader who's been mysteriously silent since last year?

    Did anyone hear GBC radio lunchtime news yesterday? They asked Peter Montegriffo whether he was planning to re-enter politics and he said: "No comment". That clearly indicates a shift in his position as he has consistently been saying that he would not re-enter politics since he left in 2000.

    As regards, Danny Feetham, he totally capitulated when he sold his soul to the GSD. Shame because his Labour Party could have made good progress with time but he was too ambitious and too hungry for power. And what happened to the rest of his line-up of Labour Party candidates? Not a squeak out of any of them which confirms that the "merger" was nothing of the sort. Labour was merely absorbed by the GSD.

    Now, he's stuck and likely to stand down at the next election as Peter Caruana has reportedly told Danny that he will only take over as leader "over his dead body". More so now that Joe Holliday has confirmed that he will definitely stand again so no Deputy CM title for Danny. He'll be off and who knows what deals he will try to do to try and grab the throne.

    He should have stayed on the GSLP Executive and would be leader-in-waiting by now if he hadn't been so impatient. But Fabian Picardo was cleverer than him and stole a march on him, thereby positioning himself as a future Chief Minister, a position that Danny would dearly love to be in.

  51. To Anonymous 22.39 Daniel Feetham is effectively the Deputy Chief minister and to say that he would like to be in Fabian's position is bizarre.

    LW at 17.24: I have known Charles Gomez for many years and he may well be Orwell but if he is he will not hide. I called his home tonight but an told that he is abroad but expected back in Gibraltar tomorrow.

    LW: you chose anonymity first so do not accuse others of cowardice for following your lead.

    Mark @22.39: if Peter Montegriffo returns to politics it will be good for Gibraltar. A team including a less up tight Caruana, Feetham and Montegriffo would be a WIN for Gibraltar.

  52. Hi Mark:

    I have NOT said that Orwell is Charles Gomez I have posed the question ... please note the question mark at the end of the sentence.

    It was intended as a light hearted answer to the accusation that I might not be Robert Vasquez but rather Joe Bossano or a GSLP politician impersonating Robert Vasquez.

    To anonymous at 23.30:

    As to Charles Gomez see my reply to Mark above.

    I do not accuse anyone of cowardice BECAUSE of ANONYMITY. I do so because the clear and insulting implication is that I am suffering from schizophrenia. I did not use anonymity to insult anyone. I always said I would reveal my identity. I explained the reasons for my initial desire to remain anonymous (see blog "Who am I?" of 14th February 2010).

  53. Notwithstanding the apparent concentration of power in a figurehead or the validity of comments asserting that this is inevitable in our political system, should not elections be about POLICIES and the best future direction of our homeland?

    When did we all forget that we are supposed to be selecting the party that we beleive has the best and most realistic proposals for our collective future?

  54. I'm constantly hearing (from some quarters at least) a call for Peter Montegriffo to return to the GSD and to politics generally as some sort of "saviour" of party and country.

    I do not doubt for a moment that Montegriffo rates as one of our most capable politicians. In fact, he is quite possibly our MOST capable politician. But are people aware of his politics? Are they aware that these appear to revolve almost exclusively around an agreement with Spain? Perhaps as far as actually advocating a sovereignty agreement with our neighbours?

    I'm not suggesting that this is some sort of "crime", and admittedly it didn't stop him from gaining more votes than Caruana in 1996, but I'm merely pointing out to those who clamour for a Montegriffo return that his politics may be one reason why he saw fit to exclude himself (or was excluded, depending on which version you hear) from active participation in the GSD in the past decade.

    Sometimes we should be careful what we wish for.

  55. Anon.

    Please tell me why a return to politics by Peter Montegriffo would be "good for Gibraltar".

  56. Anon 23.30

    Bizarre that you should say that Danny is "effectively Deputy CM" when Caruana has told him that he will become leader "over his dead body". Danny is only allowed to be Clerk of Works for the Court building refurbishment.

    He also had responsibility for legislation but has been emasculated here too: Caruana formed a new EU and International Dept under Michael Llamas (at very short notice, probably without informing Danny). Caruana took most of Danny's lawyers away from the LSU and gave them to Michael and his new EUID. So Danny has ended up with a decapitated and ineffectual LSU.

    You will remember the very public spat between Michael Llamas and Danny Feetham in 2002 where Michael described Danny's understanding of the state aid case as "laughable". Danny then challenged Michael to a public debate on the matter but it looks like Michael has had the last laugh. Caruana needs Michael much more than he does Danny. He only wanted the share of the vote of Danny's now defunct Labour Party and Danny fell for it hook, line and sinker. Now he's lost his party and his wings have been completely clipped by Caruana in the GSD where he has no future.

    That is why I'm predicting that Danny will not stand for the GSD again. He's had enough of Caruana's tantrums and wants out.

    Fabian much cleverer than Danny because when both were on the GSLP Executive Fabian opened the door - only for Danny to run outside whereas Fabian stayed inside and is now in pole position to become party leader and possibly Chief Minister next year.

  57. Hi El P:

    Who says that voters are supposed to select a party (if such a beast exists in Gibraltar at all, other than cosmetically)?

    It is only habit and the propaganda of those parties that seek election that has led to this widespread belief, which in turn is translated into a vote for a personality.

    The electoral system allows for 10 individual votes to each elector. These votes DO NOT need to be cast for a party slate.

    A split vote leading to a hung Parliament would force substantive changes to how politics is played out in Gibraltar. It is this that is beginning to happen in the UK following the inconclusive general election results.

  58. LW,

    Out of respect I must admit that I am not Charles Gomez.

    Sorry LW (Joe)!

  59. Agreed LlW

    However, if not on the basis of policies how should we decide who to vote for? Purely on perceived competence? Surely that is voting for personality to a tee.

    Anyway, I'm with you on this one LlW.

  60. Hi Orwell:

    excellent admission ... LOL ...

  61. El P -

    You should vote purely on principles. You should not vote for any other reasons since at the end of the day your vote counts to whom you want to run Gibraltar.

    I wouldn't adhere to LW's great idea that the GSLP should be voted in purely by default.

    LW -
    In case you haven't noticed Mr Gomez writes under Charles Gomez, I'm not sure if Carlito is the same person but I doubt they are.

    Also as an idea (so that you cannot be criticized of Ad hominem tu quoque any more when criticizing others for using pseudonyms) how about you change your pseudonym to include your name?

  62. Hi Orwell:

    I do not profess that anyone should vote GSLP by default. I suggest that under our system that is the only alternative available if people feel, like I do, that Peter Caruana has grown bigger than the electorate.

    I clearly suggest also that the GSD could reform internally. That would also be a credible vote for change. That is entirely in the hands of the GSD.

    I criticise no one for using pseudonyms. I do criticise people for INSULTING others cowardly under the cloak of ANONYMITY. I am perfefectly happy that people should comment ANONYMOUSLy but with that comes the right of anyone to suspect the comment as being PARTISAN.

  63. Honney Bee says...


    Assuming that you were in part referring to my last post - on my support for the pdp - there is no conflict of interest to declare on my part. I am neither a potential candidate to, or a member of the executive.

    I base my judgement on their election manifesto which to me made a lot of sense - enhanced democracy and parliamentary/electoral reform amongst others.

    My decision to remain anonymous I suspect is probably for exactly the same reasons as most other commentators here.

  64. Sorry Honney Bee you have lost me. I do not believe that i was replying to anything you said.

    My last post was only in reply to Orwell.

    I repeat, I have no problem with anonymity so long as people do not INSULT others.

  65. Orwell

    Agreed - you should vote purely on principles. However, how are we to decide who to put into power (whether on a minister by minister basis or otherwise) if we cannot judge what they will do with the job beyond what is contained in a manifesto. Surely a manifesto contains a "party's" proposals as to how they intend to steer our future. Perhaps voting for individuals would result in better government but we are not really presented with individual manifestos to help us make our minds up. That is why it is very difficult for us to get out of the block voting rut, notwithstanding personality voting as well.

  66. Caruana is a political giant...hence some of the problems.

  67. I cannot imagine why Robert Vasquez said on the 11th May at 17.19 that I might be writing under the pseudonym "Orwell." I am grateful to "Orwell" for confirming that this is not so. Mark was also mistaken in thinking that I was your correspondent "Carlito". Hopefully this Blog can now concentrate on "issues, not personalities." I am not sure that the free flow of ideas which any Blog of this type should be striving for is helped by the furious manner in which some correspondents are treated and accusations that anybody who does not agree with Mr. Vasquez must be party politically motivated. I stood for election in 2007 on a platform of dissatisfaction with the government and the official opposition and so write with confidence that I will not be accused of partisanship. However, I read with amusement Abogadillo's complaints above about the opaque system of allocating Government legal work and view with hilarity Robert's claim not to know the basis on which this is done. Well I can tell Abogadillo and Robert that without a transparent system for allocating official legal work there is nothing to say that this lucrative source of income is not used to reward those who toe the government line and, if not to silence opposition, certainly to moderate it. But then again perhaps this issue is too hot for Llanito World to handle.

  68. OK, so we have established that Orwell isn't Carlito Gomez, Honey Bee isn't Gigi (as I had thought) and Llanito World probably isn't Joe Bossano under the guise of Robert Vazquez.

    But I guess we'll never know for sure unless this blog adopts the Chronicle's policy of only accepting contributions accompanies by bona fide name, address and phone no. - but that would defeat the purpose of rapid-response comments in this blog.

  69. The background to this blog is that I started it just before last Christmas. The reason was that I had written several letters to the Chronic. This could not continue but I felt I needed an outlet for my iopinions. This blog is what I allighted upon as an outlet for me: a purely selfish reason. Gibraltar, being the way it is, by word of mouth the blog has grown. It now has a sizeable following of people (in the hundreds not thousands)who read it frequently, several persons who actively comment and a facebook page with 940.

    The result is that this is now a forum that I feel fills a gap in the media, namely a place for different opinions to be expressed. This is actually beyond my expectations but I am happy because I blieve it adds to democracy in Gibraltar.

    Occassionally, I express my views forcefully (not furiously as has been suggested). I do so on purpose. It stimultes people to participate and comment and increases readership. I make no apology for this. It is exactly what I want DEBATE and DIFFERING OPINIONS.

    My own opinion is but one opinion. Objectively no opinion is right or wrong opinion is subjective. Tolerance of the opinion of others is a necessary ingredient, however, of democracy.

    I do not moderate out opinions that are contary to mine but I must be free to answer them as I see fit and certainly in a manner that will be a catalyst for more comments. I make no apology for this either.

    I have gone so far as to publish a comment personally insulting of me, implying that i suffer from schizophrenia (particularly hurtful to me for family reasons). ALL that I have said is that if people are to be insulting they should not in cowardly fashion hide behind anonymity.

    Anonymity whilst a choice to be made by the writer (and not criticised by me) carries with it consequences, one of which is that an anonymous comment is less weighty because it may come from an unknown PARTISAN quarter. This does not mean anyone does not have a choice to continue to remain anonymous, they can do so.

    I trust that this explanation will put this subject to rest, or at least clarify my own views on the subject.

    Explained briefly each one to his own but accept the consequences of your decision. OR to bastardise a saying "no te puede tirar al mar y salir seco!"

  70. Hi Charles:

    The mention of your name is eplained already. Orwell sugested that i could be Joe Bossano or a GSLP politician desguising himself as Robert Vasquez. I belive that this was light hearted and in the same spirit, I questioned the possibility of Orwell being you. That is all. It was a jovial light hearted exchange.

    Someone then suggested that you had been disparaged in this blog. Nothing could be further from the truth. All comments about you, as far as I recall, are very favourable to you.

    Issues is what the blog is about but it seems that commentators find it difficult to divorce issues from persons. This will always happen.

    I do not believe that furious is a proper description of anything I have said (on this issue see my earlier post abov) except on an occassion when I was personaly insulted. I could have moderated that comment out but chose to make an example and thought i had done so with a little humour and diplomacy. A sense of humaour needs to develop amongst all of us, despite that issues discussed are serious.

    Your partisanship is clearly to your own views as a person who has stood for election. My partisanship is to my views. Our identity is known. This analysis and conclusion cannot apply to anonymous contributors, who, I repeat, are free to continue maintaining their anonymity.

    You view with hilarity that I do not know how Goverment work is allocated. This must be presaged by knowledge on your part of the system. Yet you do not do us the honour of divulging the extent of your knowledge. I can speculate as to what the system is, which I am not prepared to do. What I can say from knowledge is that it does not go to tender, that is all. Perhaps you can enlighten us with your knowledge of how it is allocated bearing in mind the law of defamation.

    Following my chairmanship of the "NO campaign" in the referendum on the 2006 Constitution, my letters to the Chronic and writing this blog no one can accuse me of "toeing the government line", yet I do get Goverment work, so there must be other reasons and criteria than that suggested by you. In this regard, I do not and cannot critices either Peter Caruana or the GSD Government, in fact I believe that towards me they behave impecably in every regard.

  71. Hi Robert: I agree that Llanito World is a worthwhile and above all entertaining forum after the demise of those which used to be published by Panorama and Vox on line. It would however be "nice" if the tone of debate were kept within the realms of what is justified by the fact that everyone is entitled to his / her own opinion and that we are not all lackeys of Joe Bossano or Peter Caruana. I look forward to enjoying and where appropriate participating in any future debates on Llanito World. In view of the extraordinary events in the UK where there is now a previously undreamed of Conservative / Liberal coalition in Government, a sustained debate on how we could replicate the situation in Gibraltar should be interesting. Having said this I had to laugh when you say that Peter Caruana and the GSD government have behaved impeccably towards you in every regard and yet you set up a Blog in which you call PRC a "comedian" and continue:"... this myth about Caruana that needs to be shattered at the next election. Anyone else cannot be any worse...." What on Earth do you have against a gentleman who treats you so impeccably? I am sure that in response you will bear in mind the law of libel! I always do.

  72. Uva: Maybe in your firm not all the lawyers are as critical of the GSD as you are. Maybe some of your partners suport the GSD as they are entitled to. At one time your partner Freddy Vasquez was the secrtary of the GSD. Maybe that is the solution to the mystery of legal briefs are allocated. I don't know but I find it hard to believe that as the recipient of legal work from the Government you do not know why you get it. I think that the similarities between legal briefs and government advertising in newspapers and the allocation of works to firms like OEM are too hard to ignore. Do you know how briefs were given in Bossanos time did your firm get any from the GSLP.

  73. Hi Charles:

    I am sure that we are all sufficiently grown up to give and take political criticism without affecting personal reltionships. If we are not then we should not volunteer to step into the political arena. I say this in answer to your question about what I have against Peter Caruana. At a personal level ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. He is my first cousin. At a POLITICAL LEVEL I do not nor do I have any obligation to agree with him on everything. This is called FREEDOM TO HOLD POLITICAL OPINIONS AND TO EXPRESS THEM.

    I believe, in fact I know because he has told me, that Peter Caruana is a fervent upholder of this freedom as I believe are most politicians in Gibraltar. Personal issues and relationships do not and have never clouded my political opinions.

    I am sure most commentators are not lackeys of anyone ... that does not mean that anonymity will not give rise to a suspcion, especially if the opinion expressed clearly supports one party or another. In this regard i would commend Rebecca Faller who not only reveals her name but cohernetly and sensibly explains her views. Of course, you also have revealed your identity which is worthy of commendation.

  74. LW -

    I am glad to see we have cleared up that issue of my identity.

    Also I never would have guessed nor did I know that PC is your cousin, first none the less. Could this be why T&T receive legal work from the govt?

    I am only assuming.

  75. Not Brown Nose: Rebecca Faller and Charles Gomez must be must be bursting with pride at have received the LW - RV commendations for today. Such gushing praise for them. Peter Caruana (a.k.a the Clown)will also be breathing a deep sigh of relief that LW - RV not longer considers him not to be a Clown etc but a man of impecable good manners and an example among leaders. The family feud is over and we can all rest easy in the knowledge that we do not after all have to boot RV's cousin out of office and find an alternative. Indeed where could we find such a flawless Chief Minister of such impecabilty, pelllleeeease.

  76. On the 28.01.2010 Llanto World wrote:

    "What seems to have been forgotten is all the criticism made by the GSD of the GSLP government for direct allocations of public contracts whilst the GSLP was in power. What seems to have been forgotten is the promises made by the GSD that all this would end when they got into power. The promises of transparency and independence of such matters from interference by the political government.

    Why is there so little comment about these things?"

    Now Llanito Wold confesses that his own law firm is the beneficiary of direct allocation of legal work. Que cachondeo.

  77. El cambio amanece por imperio necesario para forjar un nuevo ejercito politico llanito al liderazgo de un general popular, astuto y maduro para afrontar los retos tan dificiles que le vienen a Gibraltar y, fundamentalmente, que tenga mucho tesón para unir a un pueblo tan sumamente desorientado, en su gran mayoría, por tantos gritos politicos y murmullos.

    Simple pero no estúpido... y a ser feliz hermanos!


  78. Un liderazgo politico sin la sucia hipocrecia del que se queja de "direct allocations" a otros pero esta dispuesto a beneficiarse del "direct allocation" de honorarios profesionales y ademas cuando es el el beneficiario alaba al pagador de inpecable pero dice lo opuesto cuando el pagador paga a otros. Ya es hora de enterrar al cinicismo y a la hipocrecia. LW te has deshonrado.

  79. Hi Caramba and als0 to Anonymous at 23.00:

    Legal work has always been directly allocated by ALL governments in Gibraltar (and in fact in the UK to Treasury Counsel) for a variety of reasons.

    To be the recipient of work directly allocated is not wrong. To be a government and allocate it directly may be capable of criticism of the government (depending on specifics) and not the recipient absent any corrupt practices.

  80. You are confusing the issue. We are not talking of specialist work but of simple but lucrative tasks like preparing leases for flats which is what the government has given you and most other lawyers could have done just as well. Answer simply: why did you get that work and why was it not put to tender?

  81. Hi Caramba:

    I confuse nothing. I answer directly and honestly to the extent of my knowledge. It is you who seems to want to find something where there is nothing.

    We have got into an argument that has nothing to do with the original subject of this blog. This has been my mistake for trying to be kind and helpful to one lawyer rather than moderate his comment out for irrelevance.

    It is also palpable evidence that the reason I gave for my original anonymity, that my views would be interpreted subjectively, is being proved right.

    This subject is going nowhere, save possibly to the making of false and unsubstantiated accusations, so I will not publish any more comments on it.

  82. In your Blog you say:"During their second term of office the GSLP behaved generally in an undemocratic fashion, exemplified at a personal level by its treatment of my law firm, Triay & Triay". what did they do to you?

  83. Hi Caramba:

    It was more than 16 years ago. I do not wish to revive the issue. I assure you it was nothing at all to do with allocation of legal work if that is what you are thinking.

    End of subject.

  84. Epilogue: a prize for the genius who guesses why the GSLP does n't complain about the opaque system of allocation of legal work by the GSD.
