Tuesday, 5 January 2010

El Airport y La Linea

El acuerdo sobre el airport esta. No one will change it. Con que no vamos a calentarnos la cabeza with whatever los politicos de La Linea are saying. Lo que sera will be. No vamos a poner in doubt que el airport es British: lo es.

La cosa es: van a venir mas aviones?

No hay duda que la carretera nueva por Eastern Beach is much needed. It is less than third world tener que crusar el landing strip to come into Gibraltar. We will see how pedestrians will get in! Seguro ke el gobierno lo tendra solucionado.

Lo que parece una barbaridad es the size of the new terminal. Tantos vuelos are coming? It seems dificil to believe, going by what has happened en el pasado.

If the bad weather carries on, will Easy Jet want to fly to Gibraltar or will they say Malaga is near enough. Si pasa eso ke vamos a hacer con tanto terminal? Mas shops and restaurants? Ocean Village ya sta vacio ... ke vamos a hacer con mas?

Mas importante, cuanto va a costar limpiar y mantener el terminal tan grande y quien pagara? El taxpayer otra ves? Eso no es State Aid? Porque si las rentas son mas baratas para los negocias en el terminal seria unfair competition para Main Street y otros sitios.

Ya veremos ....


  1. I agree. It just doesn't make commercial sense. Which airline is going to come here when Malaga has an excellent terminal (newly built), probably lower fees, more destinations etc etc. And on top of this, £50 million at a minimum. What is Gibralar's annual budget. Remember Iberia has now left, Andalus has cut back. Time will tell whether our fears are correct.

    My fear is
    'the real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes'
    Henry Kissinger

  2. El aeropuerto de Gibraltar segun Yahoo Francia entre los peores del mundo.


    Otro punto de vista sobre los llanitos
