A COMMENTARY ON GIBRALTAR POLITICS. Consent is given for the reproduction in any media. Attribution to www.llanitoworld.blogspot.com is requested.

Friday, 16 December 2016
Where is our Government on BREXIT; is it All Just Spin?
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
BREXIT and Border Controls
The answer to the question, will BREXIT result in a change in border controls at our border, is, it depends.
The answer depends, initially, on whether there is a “hard BREXIT” or a “soft BREXIT”, in terms of whether or not the UK (with the inclusion of Gibraltar) agrees to freedom of movement, meaning the right (with few exceptions) of EU citizens to live and work in any other EU country (that would include the UK and Gibraltar after BREXIT).
Agreement to freedom of movement is inextricably linked, currently, to the subject of whether or not the UK (and Gibraltar,for services, as is the present arrangement, assuming that no other specific Treaty provisions impact on Gibraltar’s position) would remain in the EU Single Market. This membership could beeither through EFTA membership (consisting now of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) or by specific agreement, as is the case with Switzerland.
The conundrum is that, seemingly, as the debate stand, the UK would wish to remain in the EU Single Market but to opt out of freedom of movement obligations. This arrangement is not acceptable presently to the remaining EU members, so there is a likelihood that freedom of movement may not continue after BREXIT.
So what different treatment would apply at the border with Spain,on the basis that freedom of movement would cease to exist? The answer is simple: applying current EU rules, there could be greater checks at our border that could cause delay, absent goodwill from Spain or special agreements.
The principle that exists currently, as a matter of EU law, whichresults in a smother and faster cross-border flow would cease to apply. This principle is that minimum checks, simply to establish identity by a rapid and straightforward check of passports or identity cards, are applied to EU citizens who enjoy freedom of movement. It is this principle that the EU inspectors criticised Spain for not applying at our border when long queues were created by action taken by Spain in recent years. It was this EU intervention that led to a return to a smooth fast flowing border.
So, absent goodwill from Spain or special agreement for our border, what EU rules would apply?
A non-EU national, for stays not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period, needs to possess a passport with a valid visa (if a visa is required, there is much press speculation on the question of a need for a visa that remains unresolved), justify the purpose of the intended stay, show sufficient means of subsistence, not have an alert issued in the Schengen information system that would lead to refusal of entry and not be considered a threat to public policy, internal security, public heath or international relations. Entry may be refused if any of these conditions are not met, absent special reasons like humanitarian ones. Passports will be systematically stamped on entry and exit.
If all this criteria is strictly applied at our border, one can see easily (not least from past actual experience) that the required checks will cause delays on crossing; delays that would impact on our economy and that of the Campo area. One casualty could be those persons, be they Spanish nationals or other nationals, who cross the border daily to work in Gibraltar. The other casualty would be the ability of British nationals (including Gibraltarians) to live in Spain.
Regulation EC1931/2006 allows for special passes to be given, in certain circumstances, to cross-border workers travelling from a non-EU country to work in an EU member state. It does not deal with the reverse situation that would be the applicable one at our border. Accordingly, if no special overall arrangement is reached to govern our border crossing, a bilateral arrangement would be the available solution to facilitate border crossings by cross-border workers from Spain into Gibraltar. The ability of British nationals to reside in Spain would need, also, to be dealt with by agreement flowing from the negotiations.
Only time and negotiations will clarify these issues that impact on our border and those Gibraltarians who live in Spain but an understanding of the current position is needed to inform any discussion during the BREXIT process. Gibraltar did have different arrangements from the UK at the time of the original accession into the EU, when Spain was not an EU member, which indicates the ability for differences to be agreed that are applicable to Gibraltar and not the UK. Today, however, Spain is an EU member; the extent that Spain will be involved in issues that engage Gibraltar and the extent of the influence that it will yield on this front is still to be seen. Let us hope that realism and pragmatism will prevail for the benefit of the whole area, importantly the hinterland, which can ill afford an artificial and avoidable economic downturn arising out of purely political motives.
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Gibraltar Social Democrats (GSD) Vision, Values and Aims.
“Individuality within a Caring Society”
Each of us lives as individuals within society, as such, we are interdependent. For that to work, we must acceptpersonal responsibility for our well being and for making a future for ourselves, within a fair, caring and ordered society. Within that society the GSD believes those who can’t - and those who can, who fall on hard-times – must be helped.
We stand for a fair, ordered and caring society where individual responsibility matters.
The GSD will work to improve our society for the benefit of all and not just the few, by standing for individual rights, social justice, strong values and decency. We believe these rights and values flow from a sense of responsibility, a strong community, equal opportunity and equal rights. Unjust elements within our society must be tackled.
This vision hinges on clear policies, achievable within our financial means in a British Gibraltar.
We would:
Recognise the right of individuals to live within the law, as freely and unfettered by government intervention as possible, while protecting the common good;
Enhance democratic, open and accountable government and administration with consultation, reforms and measured decentralisation;
Manage public funds, all funds used for public endsand public spending prudently, openly and transparently;
Stimulate economic growth by both encouraging private investment and by supporting workers’ movements and the trade unions;
Only invest public moneys in commercial enterprises that are essential, and not in a way that discourages, interferes or competes with private enterprise;
Improve public services in all fields, including health care, elderly care, child care, and housing;
Assist the less privileged through social services and, where right and possible, with reasonable financial help, without encouraging a culture of reliance;
Develop education, training and skills, and increase opportunities for economic diversification;
Support good sports, leisure, arts and culturefacilities and an enhanced historical awareness as an expression of our unique national identity;
Place the environment at the core of our thinking;
Advance self-determination;
Deal with discrimination and prejudice, for any reason inclusive of gender, sexual orientation, race or skin colour, disability or religion, by promoting diversity and taking personal responsibility for our place in society; and
Encourage a stable, peaceful and law abiding community, in part, by raising awareness of civic responsibility and addressing the growing culture of entitlement.